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Official News Новости TeamSpeak

Тема в разделе "Болталка", создана пользователем RSSbot, 29 окт 2018.

  1. RSSbot

    RSSbot Знаток

    17 фев 2016
    Today we released our server update 3.5.0
    We made some small changes to the ServerQuery and gave the admins the ability to decide if a myTS ID is a requirement and they can now ban single myTS ID.

    • You can now ban a myTSID or you can restrict users without a valid myTSID to connect to your server.
      We did implement this into our existing ban system.
      In client you do a right-click on that user and add the ban that way and in ServerQuery interface you can use command banclient or banadd with parameter mytsid=.

      How to ban all users without a myTSID is given in the change log.

      1. You can not use RegExp (Regex) to create a ban.
      2. The client GUI is not compatible yet.
      The client is not able to add such myTSID ban manually into the banlist and you will see an empty ban in the list.
      What you can do is to use the ClientQuery and the command banadd mytsid=...... to add such ban manually into the ban list.
    • We removed the permissions for the Query command version. Anyone can do this now.
      This should help tool developers to find out which features the server supports.
      In some cases the server owner did not allow to get the version and tools could run into problems.

      Some online tutorials could be outdated now and show old permission IDs and permission that are no longer used in this server.
    • A ServerQuery serveradmin and ServerQurery guest can no longer use privilege keys.
    • The mysterious permission "b_channel_create_private" was removed. That feature never saw the daylight but the permission was accidentally added in the past and confused some users.
    • We fixed a bug that appeared in 3.5.0 beta 2 where you could not interact with offline users when you clicked on their name in chat.
    • A license-thirdparty.txt is now part of the server.

    Full changelog:
    === Server Release 3.5.0 29 october 2018
    Added: Option added to ban users via mytsid or for not having a mytsid.
    Example: banadd mytsid=AaqQu8Z/CzDMxRZ87P5oWpYempDPoO9K3l3VErhVPo+j banreason=banned\smytsid
    Example: banadd mytsid=empty banreason=banned\severyone\sthat\sdoesn't\shave\sa\smytsi
    Added: Ability for the the commands 'clientinfo', clientdbinfo, 'clientgetids', 'clientgetdbidfromuid', 'clientgetnamefromuid',
    'clientgetnamefromdbid' and 'clientgetuidfromclid' to send more then one query at the same time.

    Removed: Permission 'b_serverinstance_version_view' and 'i_needed_modify_power_serverinstance_version_view'
    and access to the 'version' command can not be restricted anymore.
    Removed: Permission 'b_channel_create_private'. This feature never made it into the server.

    Fixed: Privilegekeys remain valid when used by a user that can not receive the group in question.
    Fixed: The command 'privilegekeydelete' returns 'ok_no_update' now, when the key did not exist in the first place.
    Fixed: Privilegekeys that contain non printable ASCII characters are now rejected before checking in the database.
    Fixed: Mistakes in the 'server_quickstart' and in the server query documentation have been removed.
    Fixed: Trying to delete a virtual server with id '0' will result in 'server_invalid_id' now.
    You can download the server here
    Docker users will get the update withing a day.

    You can leave feedback and discuss about the server release in this thread

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