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Разные JTS3ServerMod - многофункциональный TS3 сервер бот 6.4.0

JTS3ServerMod это бот для TS 3 сервера, который позволяет добавить некоторые функций для сервера

  1. JTS3ServerMod 5.4.2

    -= Changelog =-
    Version 5.4.2 (18.01.2015)
    - Bugfix: -updateconfig argument was not working since version 5.4. (thx to InseTTe93pl)
    - Bugfix: Not every error message in log file had the right function name beside it.

    Version 5.4.1 (01.01.2015)
    - Bugfix at chat commands !botfunctionactivate and !botfunctiondisable, now they should work correctly.
    - Bugfix: Function LastSeen was not working, if disabled at bot start.
    o Happy new year :)

    Version 5.4 (31.12.2014)
    + Chat commands !msgchannelgroup and !msgservergroup allows now more than one channel and server group id at once.
    Just write a comma separated list of channel/server group ids without spaces. (thx to Morthawt)
    + New chat commands !botfunctionactivate and !botfunctiondisable to activate/disable bot functions on the fly. (thx to Jim O.)
    + Channel Notify function now have a new message keyword for clickable channel names in chat messages (only the message for supporters).
    - Bugfix: Chat command !bothelp sometimes exceeds the maximum character count of chat messages. (thx to Dominik A. and Robert S.)
    o Removed the word "final" from version string, because some people think that no new JTS3ServerMod versions will be released.
    In future only the words beta or RC (release candidate) will be added, if it's a test version.
    o New rules for bot names: Don't use spaces, only use letters, numbers, minus and underscore!

    Version 5.3 Final - SILENT UPDATE (02.11.2014)
    - Smaller fixes to the InstallWindowsService.cmd script.
    o Added much information to the documentation.
    o No changes to the bot itself, so no update notification.

    Version 5.3 Final (27.10.2014)
    o Some additions to the documentation.

    Version 5.3 RC 3 (20.10.2014)
    + Chat commands !setchannelgroup, !removechannelgroups and !removeservergroups now also accept the client unique id.
    Of course the client database id can be still used.
    + Chat command !clientsearch also accept the client unique id now. (thx to Morthawt)
    But wildcards are not allowed for unique ids, only for client names!
    - Bugfix: Chat command !setchannelgroup displayed wrong message if successful, fixed now!
    - Bugfix: Chat command !removeservergroups attempted to remove the default server group, if a client had no server groups set. Fixed!
    - Bugfix: Chat command !removechannelgroups didn't display a message if the client had no channel groups set. Fixed!
    o Chat commands !msgchannelgroup and !msgservergroup ignore query clients now!
    Write to me if you ever used this commands to send messages also to query clients!

    Version 5.3 RC 2 (18.10.2014)
    + New chat command !botrename to rename the client name of the bot to another name temporary.
    Without argument it renames the bot back to the default name from bot config.
    + Old InstanceManager log file will be also renamed to .old on bot start (an already existing .old file will be deleted).
    The bot is starting with a clean InstanceManager log file. This should keep also this log file small.

    Version 5.3 RC 1 (17.10.2014)
    + Bot log creation was changed completely!
    Now there are log levels (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR and CRITICAL), STATUS and EXCEPTION entries.
    If you don't need the INFO messages, you can set a higher log level to keep your log files small and clean.
    One column shows you now which function was adding that line.
    Bot functions don't spam the log anymore if a permission is missing.
    The error message because of TS3 error messages will be only written one time into the bot log.
    + Old log file will be renamed to .old on bot start (an already existing .old file will be deleted).
    The bot is starting with a clean log file. This should keep the log files also small.
    + New message keywords for the functions Server Group Notify and Channel Notify.
    %CLIENT_NAME_CLICKABLE% and %CLIENT_NAMES_CLICKABLE% creates clickable client name links for the TS3 client.
    Check documents/ConfigHelp.html for more information.
    + New chat command !removeservergroups to remove all server groups of a client using the client database id.
    + Added update notification for new JTS3ServerMod versions.
    Bot full admins get a chat message after connecting the TS3 server, if a new JTS3ServerMod version is available.
    Disabled by default, enable it in the JTS3ServerMod_InstanceManager.cfg file.
    - Bugfix: !execwait now shortens long messages to maximum TS3 chat message length.
    - Bugfix: Function Server Group Notify was displaying a query client as admin.
    o Chat commands !exec and !execwait now displays a better error message if a command was unable to execute.
    o Chat commands !botreload and !botcfgcheck returns a better error message now if the bot configuration is invalid.
    o More settings from JTS3ServerMod_InstanceManager.cfg file will be reloaded on !botinstancelistreload chat command.
    The value bot_update_check needs a bot reload after changing to work.
    The bot full admin list and exec command state are reloaded instantly after that command.
    o The chat command !removechannelgroups uses now the internal cache for the server settings.
    If you change the default channel group of your server you should wait some minutes before using this command.
    o Smaller fixes to some INFO log messages. More functions now writes INFO log messages.

    Version 5.2.4 Final (29.06.2014)
    - Bugfix: NullPointerException at chat message creation fixed, if no message should be created. (thx to Solaris17)

    Version 5.2.3 Final (17.06.2014)
    - Bugfix: Fixed endless loop while connecting to the TS3 server because of missing query ban detection.

    Version 5.2.2 Final (10.06.2014)
    + Chat commands !listinactivechannels and !getchannelid now accept a channel ID as argument.

    Version 5.2.1 Final (10.06.2014)
    - Bugfix: Fixed chat output of !listinactivechannels: Sometimes the message was too long and no answer was send. (thx to Morthawt)
    - Bugfix: Another fix for !listinactivechannels: Missing message if no channel was found or the answer had empty lines.
    - Bugfix: Chat command !botfunctionlist writes a better message if no function was loaded.
    - Bugfix: Chat command !getchannelid: Missing message if no channel was found or missing because too long.
    o The function Inactive Channel Check skips now channels with an invalid empty time from TS3 server. (thx to Morthawt)

    Version 5.2 Final (09.06.2014)
    + New function: Inactive Channel Check - Delete channels if empty for more than X hours.
    + New chat command: !listinactivechannels - You get a list of empty channels (and the time since they are empty).
    + New aliases for some chat commands. Look at documents\ChatCommandHelp.html
    - Chat command !botcfghelp now cut of very long help messages to maximum chat message length.
    Sometimes the answer was missing because of a to long chat message, as an example: !botcfghelp bot_functions
    o Internal Caches (Server Info, Channel List, Server Group List) will be updated now every minute (was 10 minutes).
    This was important, because now many bot chat commands and functions need this caches.
    o Updated documentation
    o Reworked most help messages about bot chat commands (look at !bothelp chat command).

    Version 5.1.1 Final (21.05.2014)
    o Updated help text for config files and documentation. Not all changes in version 5.1 was well documented.

    Version 5.1 Final (20.05.2014)
    + New global message variables can be enabled in the bot config file, look at bot_global_message_vars.
    This allows you to use all server info variables from welcome message at all messages.
    + Channel Notify and Server Group Notify can send a message to the watched client, special message possible if no target group clients are online.
    o Changed: Debug value will be reloaded on virtual bot instance reconnect. Need to use the !botinstancelistreload command first!
    o Added an example config file to help you understanding the new stuff: JTS3ServerMod_server1_example.cfg
    o Updated documentation

    Version 5.0.6 Final (06.04.2014)
    - Bugfix: Remove wrong TS3 events error output while using !botcfgsave command. (thx to PTZer0)
    - Bugfix: ChannelNotify tried to send a message also to query clients, now only to real TS3 clients.
    o Changed !botcfgset output, if you try to change a write protected value. (thx to PTZer0)

    Version 5.0.5 Final (18.03.2014)
    - Bugfix: Server Group Protection add and remove chat commands now works if function is disabled. (thx to SkullDrago)
    - Bugfix: LastSeen now ignore spaces at the user setting. (thx to zrikz)

    Version 5.0.4 Final (09.03.2014)
    - Bugfix: LastSeen mode all was not working. (thx to Demianz)

    Version 5.0.3 Final (03.03.2014)
    + Mute Mover has a new switch to select if all or just one condition is needed to get moved.

    Version 5.0.2 Final (02.03.2014)
    + Welcome Message is now able to send a message only to clients with a specified total connection count.
    If you set this to 1,2 the welcome message will only send to the first two connections to the server, but not later.
    Important: This is based on the TS3 server value CLIENT_TOTALCONNECTIONS,
    if the bot is not online while the first two connections, then the client never gets the message!
    - Bugfix: Some Mute Mover combinations was not possible. (thx to Christian M.)

    Version 5.0.1 Final (28.02.2014)
    - Bugfix: Fixed some config reading issues with RecordCheck and IdleCheck. (thx to LordAnubis)

    Version 5.0 Final (25.02.2014)
    + Added new bot admin chat command !searchip
    + Added last ip address to the output of the !clientsearch chat command
    - Bugfix: Advertising and Welcome Message function was not reading the configuration correctly.

    Version 5.0 RC 8 (22.02.2014)
    o Updated documentation, completed German translation.
    o Smaller code changes to the bot, no noticeable changes (I hope :)).

    Version 5.0 RC 7 (19.02.2014)
    - Bugfix: Both chat commands of the Server Group Protection function was not working correctly. (thx to Robert S.)
    - Bugfix: Mute Mover delay was not read correctly from config file. (thx to Robert S.)
    o Mute Mover change: If you now enable headphone and microphone mute within one function prefix,
    both have now happen at the same time to move the client!
    Create a second Mute Mover prefix, if you still need that to trigger for each mute state.

    Version 5.0 RC 6 (15.02.2014)
    + New chat command !setchannelname
    This allows you to change a channel name.
    + New chat command "check" for the Bad Channel Name Check function.
    The Bad Channel Name Check since version 5.0 RC1 don't recognise changed channel names while the bot is offline.
    Bot Admins can now check all channel names manually using this chat command, if the bot was offline for a longer time
    and rename channels using the !setchannelname command.
    o Updated JTS3ServerQuery library to new version 1.0.10, which brings some new debugging features for the bot, if debug mode is enabled.
    To enable debug, just open the JTS3ServerMod_InstanceManager.cfg and write to your virtual bot (replace X with the number): X.instance_debug = 1
    Enable the debugging mode only for one virtual bot at once and delete all current bot log files before starting the bot!
    o Updated ConfigHelp.html and ConfigHelp_deutsch.html in the documents directory to make the usage of bot_functions more clear.

    Version 5.0 RC 5 (09.02.2014)
    + Channel Notify as two more options to limit which server groups should be watched.
    - Bugfix: Channel Notify option channel list mode wasn't read from config, this is now fixed.
    o Server Group Protection now only adds missing server groups (if enabled in config), if server group type is equals to 1 (which is a normal server group).
    This change allows now limited bot admins to change configuration of Server Group Protection. This was forbidden because of security reasons.

    Version 5.0 RC 4 (08.02.2014)
    + Command !clientsearch is now able to detect that someone is currently online (displays also the current client ID),
    and if there are more than 5 search results, it shows the client names of up to 20 search results to refine the search.
    + LastSeen is able to display up to 10 search results now.
    o Changed the Client Database Cache to increase the bot performance.

    Version 5.0 RC 3 (04.02.2014)
    - Bugfix: LastSeen was not working (thx to Yanek)
    - Bugfix: LastSeen shows wrong command at help messages (thx to Yanek)

    Version 5.0 RC 2 (03.02.2014)
    + Bad Nickname Check is now displaying on bot start if the client will be kicked.
    - Bugfix: Bad Nickname Check was not working, if kick was enabled. (thx to Yanek)

    Version 5.0 RC 1 (02.02.2014)
    + Complete redesign of the bot, now all bot functions are modular and most of them can be used multiple times.
    This functions will be set in the bot config file at bot_functions.
    Use chat command !botfunctionlist to get a list of loaded functions.
    Some examples:
    You want to use different welcome messages for some server groups? Do it now!
    You have different AFK channels for different server groups? You can set this now for Idle Check, Away Mover and Mute Mover!
    Some server groups should be kicked after using a bad nickname, some should only get a message? It's now possible!
    + Fully recreated the Bad Channel Name Check and got a lot of new features!
    Now the Bad Channel Name Check knows who created or renamed the channel and can punish him (just a message or kick).
    Much more features here to choose what should happen.
    The config file has changed and expects the message first like the Bad Nickname Check config file.
    + Bad Nickname Check allows now not to kick that client, just send a message if you want.
    + Auto Move now allows to add the target channel name to the message, see Auto Move config file.
    + Added !setchannelgroup chat command, this allows you to set a channel group for a client in many channels, even if the client is offline.
    + Changed !botcfgreload command, now it's possible to reload the whole bot configuration without reconnecting the bot with !botreload.
    Only some of the internal bot settings (like the TS3 connection details) can still only reloaded using the !botreload command.
    o The bot configuration has changed, you have to configure most stuff from scratch!
    If you don't need any of the new features, you can still use version 3.7.1, which is the last version working with the old config files.

    Version 3.7.1 Final (18.01.2014)
    + Added a new CSV login log. If enabled, it writes the login time, unique id, IP address and client name in a CSV log.
    Activate this in the JTS3ServerMod_InstanceManager.cfg file, change the value of instance_csvloginlog_path for each virtual bot instance.
    - Small bugfix that Server Group Names and Server Informations got not updated in rare cases (bug since 3.7).

    Version 3.7 Final (17.01.2014)
    + Updated the Windows EXE files to a newer version of launch4j. It's still recommend to use the JAR file even on Windows.
    + Added start argument -updateconfig to check and update the virtual bot instance config files.
    Simple run the config update feature of the bot on command line after updating JTS3ServerMod.jar file:
    java -jar JTS3ServerMod.jar -updateconfig
    This will add missing and remove not needed config values to/from all virtual bot instance config files.
    + Record check has a new option to allow or disallow recording for specified channel groups.
    + The !lastseen command can now be limited to specified server groups.
    + Added Channel Notify feature. It's like the Server Group Notify, but for a specified channel.
    + Added !getChannelID chat command to get the channel id of the channels. You can pass a search string if you have much channels.
    o Added the following config values to the bot config file:
    command_lastseen_group_list, command_lastseen_group_list_mode, record_channelgroup_list, record_channelgroup_list_mode,
    channelnotify_enable, channelnotify_channel_id, channelnotify_message_mode, channelnotify_grouptargets, channelnotify_channel_list,
    channelnotify_channel_list_mode and channelnotify_file
    o Added config file channelnotifymessages.cfg

    Version 3.6.6 Final (06.04.2013)
    + Added idle move back feature. Just enable it in the bot server config file. New config value: idle_move_back
    o Added log entry if the bot is restarting.

    Version Final (10.09.2012)
    - Bugfix: In one situation the bot was not reconnecting, even if always reconnect was enabled.
    o Client and Server Version in welcome message are human readable now.

    Version Final (04.06.2012)
    o Allow the away and mute mover delay up to 10000 seconds.

    Version Final (17.05.2012)
    + Added new keyword for the client unique id at the welcome message, just check out the welcomemessages.cfg file.

    Version 3.6.5 Final (17.05.2012)
    + Added new keywords for the client country, id and database id at the welcome message, just check out the welcomemessages.cfg file.

    Version 3.6.4 Final (16.04.2012)
    + Chat commands !botsrvgrpprotadd and !botsrvgrpprotremove now give more information if an error occurred.
    o Auto Move will be disabled on slow mode now.

    Version 3.6.3 Final (13.02.2012)
    - Bugfix: Small bugfix at the new Auto Move feature. Thanks to KingHunt for reporting it.

    Version 3.6.3 RC1 (11.02.2012)
    + Added Auto Move feature. This function will move connecting clients of a specified server group to a specified channel.
    - Bugfix: Updated used Query Library which fixes one bug, which occur if a higher check interval as 8 seconds was used.

    Version 3.6.2 Final (20.11.2011)
    + Added Server Group Notify function. If clients from a specified server group joins the server,
    all members of selected server groups get an information by chat or poke message.
    New config values at the end of the JTS3ServerMod_server1.cfg file.
    + Added new keyword for the Server Group Name at the Server Group Protection message.
    - Bugfix: Small bugfix in the client database cache if the TS3 server sends invalid dates.
    o Changed servergroup argument to sgprotection for !botcfgreload command, added sgnotify as argument.
    o Updated JTS3ServerQuery library with smaller changes for the new TS3 server version.
    JTS3ServerMod should still be compatible with older TS3 servers, because the changed stuff are not used by the bot.

    Version 3.6.1 Final (14.07.2011)
    + Added new keyword for the client IP address at the welcome message, just check out the welcomemessages.cfg file.
    - Removed welcome message keyword %CLIENT_UNREAD_MESSAGES%, because Teamspeak Systems removed this information in TS3 server rc2.
    - Smaller fixes at the welcome message creation.
    o Changed version check server. No visible changes.

    Version 3.6.0 Final (30.05.2011)
    + Added many new keywords for the welcome message, just check out the welcomemessages.cfg file.
    + Added server group settings to Bad Nickname Check. This allows to limit or ignore specified server groups from check.
    + Added channel ignore settings to the Bad Channel Name Check. This allows to set a list of channels which should not be checked.
    + Added start argument -version to display installed and latest bot version. Bot don't start with this argument.
    o Updated readme file with more informations.
    o Added the following config values to the bot config file:
    badnickname_group_list, badnickname_group_list_mode, badchannelname_channel_list

    Version 3.5.2 Final (30.03.2011)
    - Bugfix: Small fixes at the used query library.
    o At some situations better error messages will be created.

    Version 3.5.1 Final (12.03.2011)
    + Added new chat command !listinactiveclients for bot admins to display clients which are inactive for at least X days.
    - Bugfix: Warning message for to long welcome messages may be wrong. Should now work as intended.
    - Bugfix: Small fixes at the used query library.

    Version 3.5.0 Final (13.02.2011)
    + Chat command !botinfo displays now your bot admin permission level.
    - Bugfix: Sometimes the warning messages was shown if the messages are not to long.
    - Bugfix: Checking for message length could prevent bot from starting in some cases.

    Version 3.5.0 Beta 2 (10.02.2011)
    + Added warning messages if a chat, poke or kick message is to long.
    This should help you to find the reason for some problems.

    Version 3.5.0 Beta 1 (07.02.2011)
    + Away Mover and Mute Mover now allow setting a server group list and an optional message.
    o Some changes to the !botcfgget and !botcfgset commands (better answers from bot).
    o Added the following config values to the bot config file:
    away_group_list, away_group_list_mode, away_message_mode, away_file,
    mute_group_list, mute_group_list_mode, mute_message_mode, mute_file
    o Changed names of the following config values at the bot config file:
    ts3_server_login to ts3_server_query_login
    ts3_server_password to ts3_server_query_password
    ts3_channel_id to bot_channel_id

    Version 3.4.4 Final (04.02.2011)
    - Closed one big security issue!
    - Bugfix: Wrong idle times from TS3 server don't make the bot crazy.

    Version 3.4.3 Final (13.12.2010)
    + Added better error messages if something is wrong with the config files.
    + Added support for loading UTF-8 files with BOM (not fully tested).
    o Small updates to the readme files.

    Version 3.4.2 Final (10.12.2010)
    o Security change: All additional config files need a special first line or the config file will not be loaded.
    Usefull for hosters of bots to allow creating config files by the customers without any security problems.
    You can still use your old files, but you have to add the first line from the default config files.
    o Away Mover Delay allows now values up to 1000 seconds.

    Version 3.4.1 Final (05.12.2010)
    + Added script to install the bot as Windows Service, look into the readme file for this.
    - Bugfix: Make sure that I catch all errors and write them to logfile.
    o If the whole bot process will be stopped by a virtual bot instance,
    the reason will be also written into the InstanceManager.log file.
    o Updated documentation with instructions how to run the bot.

    Version 3.4.0 Final (25.10.2010)
    - Bugfix: Small fixes to the !botsrvgrpprotadd and !botsrvgrpprotremove chat commands.
    - Bugfix: Small fix for !bothelp command at the log file.
    o Added better bot start messages for the welcome message and connection problems.
    o Reduced timeout to 10 seconds if the TS3 server don't send an answer (TS3 server pre beta 30 bug).
    It is still impossible to use this bot on a pre beta 30 server, but you get the error message faster.

    Version 3.4.0 RC 2 (17.10.2010)
    + It is now also possible to select the channels or server groups, which should be checked only.
    In older versions it was only possible to ignore the selection. Now you can choose what you like.
    + Added keyword for the server group id to the server group protection message.
    - Bugfix: Using !botcfgsave on Windows no longer create weird looking config files.
    o Added the chat command !h as a short alias for !bothelp.
    o Permission list will now be cached directly after login.
    o More informations for Linux users in the readme file.
    o Renamed the following config keys in the bot config file:
    record_ignore_channels to record_channel_list
    record_ignore_groups to record_group_list
    idle_ignore_channels to idle_channel_list
    idle_ignore_groups to idle_group_list
    away_ignore_channels to away_channel_list
    mute_ignore_channels to mute_channel_list
    o Added the following config keys in the bot config file:
    record_channel_list_mode, record_group_list_mode, idle_channel_list_mode, idle_group_list_mode,
    away_channel_list_mode, mute_channel_list_mode

    Version 3.4.0 RC 1 (10.10.2010)
    + New chat commands for bot admins: !botjoinchannel, !botsrvgrpprotadd and !botsrvgrpprotremove

    Version 3.3.8 Final (10.10.2010)
    + If a permission is missing, the permission name will be written into the log file, if possible.
    o Small updates to readme file and bot error messages.

    Version 3.3.7 Final (28.09.2010)
    - Bugfix: Complain was not added if someone was kicked after start recording. (thx to Thomas Z.)

    Version 3.3.6 Final (27.09.2010)
    - Bugfix: Small error releated to the mute mover was fixed.
    - Bugfix: Better error messages on bad config files.
    - Bugfix: Fixed NullPointerException if stopping virtual bot instance while connecting with slow mode enabled.
    o Added permission id to logfile output, if a missing permission is reported by the TS3 server.

    Version 3.3.5 Final (11.09.2010)
    + Some features can now add a complain to the user, if enabled.
    This allows the server admin to see violating clients at the complain list window.
    IMPORTANT: Do not use this feature on servers older than beta 28,
    or it can break your complain system, if the bot login as serveradmin.
    o Startup messages writes more informations about the enabled features.
    o Added new optinal config values: record_add_complain, badnickname_add_complain and servergroupprotection_add_complain
    Look into the documentation or default config file to get more informations about it.

    Version 3.3.4 Final (04.09.2010)
    o Server Group Protection now writes an error message into the log, if something is going wrong. (thx to TotoIsBack)
    o Slow Mode is now more slower at connection (takes up to 16 seconds to connect now).
    Should now work with stronger Anti-Flood protection settings of the TS3 server.

    Version 3.3.3 Final (17.08.2010)
    o Bot replace now for incoming chat messages the wrong space char from TS3 client history with the normal space.
    o Some small changes to the reconnect / disconnect code.

    Version 3.3.2 Final (10.08.2010)
    o Changed the connecting order, now the bot login first after connection.
    o Some small changes at the log output.

    Version 3.3.2 Beta 1 (08.08.2010) - Not released
    - Bugfix: Now the bot should also work if only Mute Mover, Server Group Protection, Bad Channelname or Bad Nickname Check is activated.
    - Bugfix: Critical errors while requesting client or channel lists start the bot reconnecting countdown.
    This should also solve the problem if only the virtual TS3 server will be stopped. (thx to TotoIsBack)
    o Some messages on logfile should now give more and better informations.

    Version 3.3.1 Final (03.08.2010)
    o Some additions to the readme files.
    o No changes at the bot, only version bump.

    Version 3.3.1 RC 3 (02.08.2010)
    - Bugfix: Idle warning message will be sent only once again. (thx to etonline)

    Version 3.3.1 RC 2 (31.07.2010)
    - Bugfix: Idle second message was not found, if enabled. (thx to Slater)

    Version 3.3.1 RC 1 (30.07.2010)
    + Added new chat command: !botinstancelistreload
    This reloads the instances. New loaded instances will be not started, use !botinstancestart for this.
    + Added new values for the Mute Mover, can now move if headphone or microphone hardware is disabled.
    o 2 new config values was added to JTS3ServerMod_server1.cfg (mute_move_headphone_hardware and mute_move_microphone_hardware), see default config file.

    Version 3.3.0 (29.07.2010) - Many bugs introduced here, do not use this version!
    + Added settings to many places to allow you to choose how a message will be shown at the client (poke, chat or no message).
    - Bugfix: Config value servergroupprotection_kick was not read, this is now fixed.
    - Bugfix: Implemented an error message if the bad channel name check is unable to get the channel list. (thx to TotoIsBack)
    o 6 new config values was added to JTS3ServerMod_server1.cfg (for the message modes), see default config file.

    Version 3.2.6 (26.07.2010)
    + Added setting to disable the server group protection kick, added config value servergroupprotection_kick for this.
    o Added "bot successful started" message to console and log file.
    o Updated documentation to make some things clear.
    o Config value servergroupprotection_kick added to JTS3ServerMod_server1.cfg, see default config file.

    Version 3.2.5 (13.07.2010)
    - Bugfix: Fixed small bug at the chat commands !lastseen and !clientsearch (now case insensitive). (thx to MajorThorn)

    Version 3.2.4 (09.07.2010)
    - Bugfix: Fixed small bug while handle welcome message for a disconnected client. (thx to Slater)

    Version 3.2.3 (30.06.2010)
    - Bugfix: Fixed some bugs at the log output. (thx to Slater)

    Version 3.2.2 (30.06.2010)
    - Bugfix: Idle Check don't send warning messages to ignored server group members anymore. (thx to Mikobiko)

    Version 3.2.1 (22.06.2010)
    o Config value command_exec removed from instance config and moved to new value bot_command_exec in InstanceManager.cfg file.

    Version 3.2 Final (18.06.2010)
    + Added feature to server group protection: If wanted, this feature adds missing server groups to client.
    - Bugfix: Corrected the output of some logfile entries.
    o Added new option servergroupprotection_add_missing_groups to JTS3ServerMod_server1.cfg, see default config file.

    Version 3.1.1 Final (08.06.2010)
    + Added new option: Slow Mode
    o Added more informations to the readme.txt file
    o Bot writes more informations if something is wrong with the config file.
    o Added optional value bot_slowmode to JTS3ServerMod_server1.cfg, see default config files.

    Version 3.1 Final (23.05.2010)
    + Added a new help file in english and german language. Also translated the readme.txt into german language.
    o Corrected some informations in the config files.

    Version 3.1 RC 2 (16.05.2010)
    o Changed loading of JTS3ServerMod_InstanceManager.cfg file, now a gab of 10 numbers in the consecutive numbering is allowed.

    Version 3.1 RC 1 (14.05.2010)
    + Added a second type of bot admin. The full admin is the same as before and is set in the instance manager config file now.
    The bot admin set in the server config file of the bot just allow bot commands which affect only the own bot instance.
    o More informations in the log file, if an error occur.
    o Added optional value bot_fulladmin_list to JTS3ServerMod_InstanceManager.cfg file, see default config files.

    Version 3.0.2 Final (30.04.2010)
    o More flexible with numbers in config files (removes spaces).

    Version 3.0.1 Final (29.04.2010)
    - Bugfix: Bad log entries of the Mute Mover.

    Version 3.0 Final (23.04.2010)
    o No changes since RC 8.

    Version 3.0 RC 8 (22.04.2010)
    + New Feature: Mute Mover, can move clients if microphone or headphone is muted.
    o Some values added at the bottom of the config file. Look into standard config file.

    Version 3.0 RC 7 (17.04.2010)
    + Added minimum client count to idle check.
    o Added value idle_min_clients to the idle check block in the config file.

    Version 3.0 RC 6 (14.04.2010)
    o Updated the Server Query Library, which improve the detection if the bot is still conntected to the TS3 server.

    Version 3.0 RC 5 Hotfix (14.04.2010)
    - Bugfix: Telnet clients was still reported by !lastseen as online. (thx to sojakfa)

    Version 3.0 RC 5 (14.04.2010)
    o The client database cache (used for !clientsearch and !lastseen) does only update real clients and no telnet users.
    Suggested by sojakfa.

    Version 3.0 RC 4 (12.04.2010)
    + New Chat Command: !botversioncheck displays the latest final and development version (bot needs internet access for this).
    - Removed helptext about removed chat commands from !bothelp chat command.

    Version 3.0 RC 3 (11.04.2010)
    - Bugfix: Chat command !botcfgsave and !botreload was not working anymore, if advertising feature was enabled. (thx to Megamaluco)
    - Bugfix: Advertising feature shows wrong interval in minutes on shell / cli window and log file. (thx to Megamaluco)
    - Bugfix: Some log file entries missed some informations.
    o Second exe file to start the bot for Windows users, but without a visible window (java runtime still needed).

    Version 3.0 RC 2 (10.04.2010)
    + Improved: Chat command !botcfghelp can now display config keys which start with specified characters.
    Example: !botcfghelp bot
    This will display all config keys starting with the word bot.

    Version 3.0 RC 1 (10.04.2010)
    - Bugfix: !botcfghelp command works now again.
    - Bugfix: !botcfgreload did not work correctly.

    Version 3.0 Beta 3 (09.04.2010)
    + New Feature: Server Group Protection
    + New Chat Command: !botcfgreload to reload one of the special config files (advertising, idle, welcome, etc.).
    - Removed: Chat command !botadvmsgreload replaced with "!botcfgreload advertising".
    o Some values added at the bottom of the config file, one new config file also added. Look into standard config file.

    Version 3.0 Beta 2 (08.04.2010)
    - Bugfix: Fixed !botreload command (thx to Slater)

    Version 3.0 Beta 1 (07.04.2010)
    + New Feature: Bad Nickname Check, which uses regular expressions.
    + New Feature: Bad Channel Name Check, which uses regular expressions.
    o Some internal changes to make sure that there is no XServer call on operating systems without graphical user interface. (thx to HoschY1987)
    o Some values added at the bottom of the config file, two new config files also added. Look into standard config file.

    Version 2.1 Final (02.04.2010)
    - Bugfix: Advertising to server chat did not work if virtual server got selected by port. (thx to mastermax)

    Version 2.1 RC 3 (20.03.2010)
    - Bugfix: New line (\n) was not displayed in messages correctly (thx to Heiko).
    o Important: Don't save the messages files in unicode with BOM, it will not work.
    Just use unicode without BOM and the UTF-8 encoding will work.

    Version 2.1 RC 2 (18.03.2010)
    o All messages are now in external files, which can be loaded with a different character encoding.
    Default encoding for messages files is now UTF-8, which can be changed in config file.
    o Many config file changes, please take a look on the default config files.

    Version 2.1 RC 1 (18.03.2010)
    - Bugfix: advertising.cfg will be now loaded with encoding ISO-8859-1 like the other bot config files.
    This should solve the wrong display of special characters.

    Version 2.0 Final (12.03.2010)
    o No changes since RC 1.

    Version 2.0 RC 1 (09.03.2010)
    + New: Chat command !botreloadall - Reloads all bot instances (without checking config files).
    o Internal changes and optimizations. The bot needs now TS3 server beta 19 or newer for record check.
    The advantage: Bot needs now much less telnet commands to do the work.

    Version 2.0 Beta 7 (01.03.2010)
    + New: Second idle message as kick reason after being idle for longer than idle_second_max_time.
    - Bugfix: Some smaller bugfixes at all idle check features.
    o Config changes: New argument idle_second_message, look into the default config file.

    Version 2.0 Beta 6 Hotfix (28.02.2010)
    - Bugfix: Second idle time kick was not working.

    Version 2.0 Beta 6 (28.02.2010)
    + New: Idle mover got a new argument to kick after a second idle time.
    - Bugfix: Fixed some bugs with !execwait
    o Config changes: New optional argument idle_second_max_time, look into the default config file.

    Version 2.0 Beta 5 (27.02.2010)
    + New: Define now many advertising messages in a file.
    + New: Chat Command !botadvmsgreload to reload advertising messages file without reconnect bot.
    - Bugfix: !exec and !execwait was not working, this is now fixed.
    o Exe file to start the bot for Windows users (java runtime still needed)
    o Config files by default now in a config directory.
    o Config file changes: advertising_message removed, advertising_file added. Look into the default config!

    Version 2.0 Beta 4 (26.02.2010)
    - Bugfix: Idle warn message and idle move was not working correct if idle_check_enable was set to 2 (thx to DarRoe)

    Version 2.0 Beta 3 (25.02.2010)
    + New: Away mover can now move back, if away_check_enable is set to 2
    + New: Chat command !clientsearch for bot admins, which works like the !lastseen command, but outputs more informations about the client.

    Version 2.0 Beta 2 (24.02.2010)
    + New feature: Chat command !exec and !execwait - Bot admin can execute a system command, can be enabled in config file.
    + New: Client database cache for commands like !lastseen. This makes this commands much faster on big servers.
    + New: Now its possible to change the away move delay in config file.
    + New: Idle check can now also kick and ignore server groups.
    o Bot will now disconnect clean from Teamspeak server on system shutdown or when sending CTRL + c to bot process.
    o Added config values: bot_clientdblist_cache, command_exec, idle_ignore_groups and away_move_delay. Look into the default config!
    IMPORTANT: Config value idle_check_enable has changed. Look into the default config!

    Version 2.0 Beta 1 (22.02.2010)
    + New feature: Chat command !msgchannelgroup <channelgroup id> <message> - Sends a message to all online clients with this channel group.
    + New feature: Chat command !msgservergroup <servergroup id> <message> - Sends a message to all online clients with this server group.
    + New feature: Chat command !removechannelgroups <client database id> - Change all channel groups of a client to the default channel group.

    Version 1.0 Final (21.02.2010)
    - Bugfix: If a start error in a bot instance occurred, the whole bot process quits. This is now changed, only the bot instance stops working.
    o The instance manager checks now if the config file exists. If not, a special error message will be displayed.
    o Changed the text output on the command line.

    Version 1.0 RC 5 (19.02.2010)
    + New feature: Chat command !lastseen to see somebody's last online time. Possible to disable this for public use.
    + New: Bot Instance Manager, start many bot instances for different Teamspeak 3 servers with one bot process.
    + New: Admin chat commands !botcfghelp, !botcfgget, !botcfgset, !botcfgcheck, !botcfgsave, !botinstancestart, !botinstancestop and !botinstancelist
    + New: !bothelp <command> can now display an info text about a command.
    - Bugfix: Default welcome message did not work if the second welcome message is disabled. (thx to DarRoe)
    o Added connect message, if the connection to Teamspeak server is successful.

    Version 1.0 RC 4 (17.02.2010)
    + New: Now its possible to use the virtualserver port to select the virtual server.
    - Bugfix: Record kick did not work since 1.0 RC 2, this is now fixed. (thx to DarRoe)
    o Config key name ts3_server_port changed to ts3_server_query_port to avoid confusion.

    Version 1.0 RC 3 (17.02.2010)
    + New feature: Second welcome message for specified server groups.
    + New: More keywords for the welcome message, like the unread offline message count.
    + New: Change date pattern for welcome messages and future date formatting on chat commands.
    + New: If enabled, the bot can try to connect to an offline Teamspeak 3 Server forever.
    + New: You can choose a second server query name, if the first name is already in use.
    - Bugfix: Bot do not quit now if only the bot name is already in use.

    Version 1.0 RC 2 (16.02.2010)
    + New: Exclude Server Group members from record check
    + New: Shows bot uptime on !botinfo
    - Bugfix: Start errors was not written to logfile.
    o Bot now also checks if channel IDs in config file exists. If not, bot shows a warning and disables feature.

    Version 1.0 RC 1 (15.02.2010)
    + New feature: Idle warning message
    + New feature: Auto away mover
    - Bugfix: !botreload did not work.
    - Bugfix: Auto reconnect did not work in every cases.
    o Changed and completed status output on console and logfile.

    Version 1.0 Beta 3 (14.02.2010) - Not released
    + New feature: Welcome Message
    + New feature: Server commands like !botinfo and !bothelp
    + New feature: Bot can switch to a channel on connection.
    + New feature: Bot reconnects automatically after some time, if connection lost.
    o Changed config loading again, now more failsave and better error messages.

    Version 0.9.1 Beta 2 (11.02.2010)
    + Selected channels can be ignored for idle and record check.
    + New feature: Advertising
    o Changed config loading, only needed values will be loaded.

    Version 0.9 Beta 1 Hotfix (11.02.2010)
    o Just updated the ServerQuery library, which do not generate more warnings in the Teamspeak 3 server log.

    Version 0.9 Beta 1 (11.02.2010)
    - First public Beta version
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