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Разные JTS3ServerMod - многофункциональный TS3 сервер бот 6.4.0

JTS3ServerMod это бот для TS 3 сервера, который позволяет добавить некоторые функций для сервера

  1. Version 6.4.0 (23.03.2017)

    Version 6.4.0 (23.03.2017)
    ! Complete redesign of the IdleCheck function. The configuration of this function has changed!
    If you don't have time to make your configuration compatible with the new version, just change the function class from IdleCheck to IdleCheckOld at the bot_functions line of your bot configuration.
    + The new IdleCheck allows to use warn, group, move and kick at the same time. Just set different idle times for each of them.
    o Updated some parts of the documentation, also completed the German translation of documents/ChatCommandHelp_deutsch.html
  2. Version 6.3.3 (31.12.2016)

    Version 6.3.3 (31.12.2016)
    - Bugfix: Missing error message, if the lock file could not be created while starting the JTS3ServerMod. (thx to KILLOVER)
    In this case it was also impossible to start the JTS3ServerMod.
    This was changed now, because the lock file is not needed to run the JTS3ServerMod.
    o Changed some log messages if an error occurred while loading the JTS3ServerMod InstanceManager config file.
    o Updated Windows exe files using Launch4j 3.9, which fixes some bugs. Java 7 is required now, if you have to use Java 5 or 6: Don't use the exe files!

    Version 6.3.2 (07.12.2016)
    + Added chat commands !msgall and !pokeall to send messages to all online clients on the current TS3 server.

    Version 6.3.1 QUICKFIX (20.11.2016)
    - Bugfix: plugin_api_bin.zip and plugin_api_src.zip was zipped wrong, can't used to compile plugins (bug since 05.11.2016; thx to Maksimo007)
    Recreated and updated this zip files. Sorry for this.
    o Updated plugin api documentation.

    Version 6.3.1 (20.11.2016)
    - Bugfix: Group action at the IdleCheck function now supports clients which are connected multiple times to the TS3 server. (thx to kidi)
    - Bugfix: InactiveChannelCheck and chat command !listinactivechannels used a to small datatype to save the channel empty time. (thx to Robert S.)
    Now it should not be a problem if a channel is more than 29 days empty.
    - Bugfix: InactiveClientsCleaner deleted the own client database entry, because query clients don't reset the inactivity counter. (thx to GAMERS4EVER and monster010)
    Since I can't change the behavior of the TS3 server, I added a protection, that the client database entry of the bot account don't get deleted.
    o Updated JTS3ServerQuery library to new version 2.0.6, which knows the client database id and client unique id of the used query connection now.

    Version 6.3.0 QUICKFIX (05.11.2016)
    ! Bugfix at the Plugin API: Class MySQLConnect was not compatible with the Hosting Edition, bug since version 6.0.7. Fixed now.
    o Updated the JTS3ServerMod.jar file, but it should not affect currently used plugins, which are compatible with version 6.3.0.
  3. Version 6.3.0 (09.10.2016)

  4. JTS3ServerMod это бот для TS3 сервера, который позволяет добавить некоторые функций для сервера

    -= Changelog =-
    Version 6.2.2 (06.09.2016)
    - Bugfix: Chat command !bothelp was able to exceed the maximum character count for chat messages. (thx to Frank R.)
    o Updated documentation about the config key bot_lightadmingroup_list.
  5. JTS3ServerMod это бот для TS 3 сервера, который позволяет добавить некоторые функций для сервера

  6. JTS3ServerMod это бот для TS 3 сервера, который позволяет добавить некоторые функций для сервера

    -= Changelog =-
    Version 6.1.5 SILENT UPDATE 2 (30.07.2016)
    o No changes to the bot, but small fixes/updates to the documentation (Readme.txt/html en/de).
  7. JTS3ServerMod это бот для TS3 сервера, который позволяет добавить некоторые функций для сервера

    Version 6.1.5 SILENT UPDATE (25.06.2016)
    o No changes to the bot, but small additions to some documentations (ConfigHelp.html, Readme_plugins.txt).
      Small grammar changes to three config files (automove.cfg, awaymessages.cfg, mutemessages.cfg).
    Version 6.1.5 (14.05.2016)
    - Bugfix: InactiveChannelCheck had a ConcurrentModificationException since JTS3ServerMod Version 6.1.3, this is now fixed. (thx to Ben and Mitch)
    Version 6.1.4 (08.05.2016)
    + Server Group Notify allows now much more keywords about the connecting client. Most of them are already known from the Welcome Message.
    o If %CLIENT_COUNTRY% (from Welcome Message or Server Group Notify) don't contain any country shortcut (one reason is,
      that the client is connecting from LAN), it will display unknown as country name. Older versions just displayed nothing (empty string).
    Version 6.1.3 (30.04.2016)
    ! Plugin API build is now 2, check out the new plugin API documentation.
      API changes:
      HandleTS3Events: Renamed handleClientEvents to handleTS3Events
      JTS3ServerMod_Interface: Changed parameter type from getClientListEntry(String clientID) to getClientListEntry(int clientID)
      API add:
      JTS3ServerMod_Interface: removeClientListEntry(int clientID)
      JTS3ServerMod_Interface: setChannelName(int channelID , String newName)
      JTS3ServerMod_Interface: removeChannelListEntry(int channelID)
    + New JTS3ServerMod config value bot_timezone to set the timezone of a bot.
      By default, the default timezone of the operating system will be used (like older JTS3ServerMod versions).
    + Added a new chat command findrule for BadChannelNameCheck and BadNicknameCheck.
      This allows you to find all matching regex rules for a name, good for testing if a regex rule is working (or not :)).
    + JTS3ServerMod start argument -versioncheck has different exit codes now. Very useful for an JTS3ServerMod update check in shell scripts.
      Exit code list:
      -1 = Error while requesting version information from www.stefan1200.de
       0 = No update available
       1 = New stable version is available
       2 = New development version is available
    + Added documents/plugin_sources/plugin_api_bin.zip file, which can be added as library in Eclipse.
    - Bugfix at Bad Channel Name Check: If more than one regex rule is matching a channel name at the same time,
                                        multiple error messages will be written into the bot log (invalid channelID / invalid clientID). (thx to Alexander S.)
    o Changed the output of the chat command !botversioncheck a little bit.
    o The %apphome% variable at the WelcomeMessage function was not resolved at the bot log message.
    o Updated plugin api documentation.
    o Updated the ConfigHelp files.
    Version 6.1.2 (11.04.2016)
    + Added chat command !botinstancename to get the current bot name (Full Bot Admins only).
    + The list command of the InactiveChannelCheck return the inactivity time of a channel and the maximum allowed inactivity time now.
    + Added a full featured start script for linux. This script can start, stop and restart the JTS3ServerMod process.
      This script can also install the Java runtime environment, if this is missing.
      Tested successfully with Debian, Ubuntu, OpenSUSE, CentOS and Fedora.
      Documentation was changed to use this script now.
    + Simple detection if the JTS3ServerMod process was started twice.
      An additional warning will be written to the JTS3ServerMod_InstanceManager.log file.
    - Bugfix: !botinstancelist was unable to return the instance list, if there are more than around 10 bots.
              Now this list will be splitted in multiple chat messages. This chat command is still not a good idea,
              if there are much more than hundred bots.
    - Bugfix: If a client was connecting and disconnecting very fast, the ServerQuery error "invalid clientID" is now only a warning
              and will not trigger the bot admin exception error notification now.
    Version 6.1.1 (04.04.2016)
    + Added platform selection to AutoMove and WelcomeMessage function.
      It is now possible to send a welcome message only to Windows or Mobile clients.
      Or to auto move mobile clients to a different channel.
      This change also allows you to add the AutoMove function multiple times.
    + InactiveChannelCheck got a new chat command list, which lists you all channels, which will be checked for inactivity and deleted.
    - Bugfix: The double client connection event fix of version 6.1.0 was not good enough. (thx to Moki, DarkBrain and Callum)
              While it helped in my testing environment, it was more worse in other environments. After some testing, this fix seems to work better.
    o The client connection event always contains all information from client info command now. Functions find this information in the eventInfo variable.
      WelcomeMessage was changed to use this, so it do not request a second client info on new client connections anymore.
    o All exception error messages have also a second line in the log file now to show where the exception occurred.
    o LastSeen function can be enabled multiple times too (this allows you to have different chat commands for last seen).
    o Updated the bot documentation, especially the ConfigHelp files.
    Version 6.1.0 (28.03.2016)
    + Added the Bot Light Admin, just set a server group with this permission. The following chat commands can be used:
      !clientsearch, !searchip, !listinactiveclients, !listinactivechannels, !channellist, !setchannelname, !setchannelgroup,
      !removeservergroups, !removechannelgroups, !msgchannelgroup and !msgservergroup. All other bot admin commands are not allowed!
    + Server Group Protection have a new setting, to allow a specified server group to use the add and remove chat commands.
    - Bugfix: Sometimes the client connection event from the TS3 server fire some actions twice (Server Group Notify, Welcome Message, Auto Move).
    o All Server Query errors while moving or kicking a client, which are not permission related, are only warnings now.
      The bot admin exception error notification should now only trigger on errors, which have to be fixed by the bot admin.
    o Welcome Message now displays a special message on bot start, if the connection count filter was activated.
    o Updated plugin api documentation, three new methods was added. Api build still 1, because old plugins are still compatible.
    Version 6.0.7 (20.03.2016)
    + ServerGroupNotify allows to set none at both message modes now.
    - Bugfix: Log file handle was removed to fast, some log messages while stopping the bot could not be written to log file. (bug since version 6.0.6)
    - Bugfix at the AutoKickTimer plugin: In some cases, if the JTS3ServerMod and the TS3 server running on different machines with
                                          different hardware clock settings, the AutoKickTimer was not working correctly.
    o Updated source code in the file documents/plugin_sources/AutoKickTimer_src.zip
    o The JTS3ServerMod itself and all functions now show the full absolute path to config files on errors.
    o Log file JTS3ServerMod_InstanceManager.log now contains the path to the JTS3ServerMod_InstanceManager.cfg file.
      If the JTS3ServerMod_InstanceManager.cfg file will be reloaded, it will be also written to the log file JTS3ServerMod_InstanceManager.log
    o Absolute path to log files will be written to the standard system output (console window).
    Version 6.0.6 (13.03.2016)
    + Added new chat command !botlog to get the information where you can find the bot log.
    + You can reload the bot full admin list without stopping the JTS3ServerMod process.
      Just change the list and use the chat command !botinstancelistreload
    - Bugfix: Make sure that the file handle will be closed, if the bot log will be written to a file.
    o Updated some bot command help messages.
    Version 6.0.5 (12.03.2016)
    - Bugfix: Fixed the most reasons for the following two server query errors: "already member of channel" and "invalid clientID".
              Affected functions: AwayMover, MuteMover, IdleCheck, RecordCheck, ServerGroupProtection and BadNicknameCheck
    - Bugfix: Changed error message for the server query error "database duplicate entry" while adding a second complaint to a client.
              Now this server query error is only a warning and does not trigger the exception error notification from version 6.0.3.
              Affected functions: RecordCheck, ServerGroupProtection, BadChannelNameCheck and BadNicknameCheck
    o Added version build to virtual bot log.
  8. JTS3ServerMod 6.0.4

    Version 6.0.4 (05.03.2016)
    o Changed the exception error notification: Now only bot admins get this message.
      Currently it seems there is no good way to detect the real server admin group.
      The poke message is now much shorter, while the chat message contains the location of the bot log.
    o If bot log is disabled, all output will be now written to the standard output on the console.
    Version 6.0.3 (03.03.2016)
    + InactiveChannelCheck has a new parent channel mode parentignore, which is the opposite to parentonly.
    + Bot Admins and members of server groups with the permission b_client_ignore_bans set (in most cases only the Server Admin group),
      will get a message from the JTS3ServerMod on connection, if an exception error occurred since bot start.
      A bot admin can confirm this message using the new bot command !botconfirmerrors
    - Bugfix: IdleCheck tried to send the warning message every second, if an error occurred while sending it.
              Now this will be done only once, because that error needs to be solved by a bot admin first.
    o Changed command order while connecting to the TS3 server.
    o Changed the slow mode, it should now connect a little bit faster to the TS3 server, while another break was added to the update cache process.
    o Updated the documentation
  9. JTS3ServerMod это бот для TS 3 сервера, который позволяет добавить некоторые функций для сервера

    Version 6.0.2 (27.02.2016)
    + InactiveChannelCheck now can ignore spacer channels like [cspacer].
    o Fixed some error messages at the Bad Nickname Check and Bad Channel Name Check.

    Version 6.0 - Updated package (24.02.2016)
    + New chat command at the AutoKickTimer plugin: time argument to know how long you are already online and when you will be kicked.
    - Bugfix at the AutoKickTimer plugin: Fixed bug that it checked the kick timer every seconds. Only every 60 seconds was planned.
    - Bugfix at the AutoKickTimer plugin: Plugin was compiled with target Java 8. Changed to target Java 5.
    o Updated source code in the file documents/plugin_sources/AutoKickTimer_src.zip
    o No changes to the JTS3ServerMod itself, still version 6.0 (15.01.2016).

    Version 6.0 (15.01.2016)
    + Welcome Message has a new chat command. The old test command was renamed to vars and the new test command send you the current saved welcome message,
    ignoring the show on connection number setting. (thx to SuiciniV)
    + Server Group Notify is now able to check the client connection count to decide if something has to be notifed. Works like at the Welcome Message. (thx to KGBGaming)
    - Bugfix: Welcome Message show on connection number feature didn't worked correctly in some cases.
    - Bugfix: Server Group Protection add and remove commands now write back an error message, if you try to add or remove someone to/from an unprotected server group.
    - Bugfix: Version check works again, now the communication with the server is encrypted.
    o Server Group Protection add and remove commands now also works for normal bot admins,
    but can only add or remove someone from the normal server groups (and not the query or template groups).
    o Almost all functions are now allowed while slow mode is activated. You only get a warning in the bot log now.
    In general make sure that you don't use to much functions, if the bot is not whitelisted.
    o Updated the documentation

    Version 6.0 Beta 1 (28.12.2015)
    + Added plugin interface, which allows you to create own plugins using Java programming language.
    More information about this in the file plugins\Readme_plugins.txt and plugins\Readme_plugins_deutsch.txt
    + Added an example plugin, which kicks all clients after a specified online time in minutes. Good for demo TS3 servers.
    - Bugfix: Fixed a small possible bug since version 5.5.7, which might prevent writing detailed error messages
    into the bot log while saving or loading the configuration after using the chat commands !botcfgcheck and !botcfgsave.
    o Since this version the current API build is: 1

    Version 5.5.7 (28.12.2015)
    + If an error occur while loading or saving the configuration, a stack trace with error message will be written to the bot log.
    - Bugfix: Chat command add of the Server Group Protection had problems with the comments of the protected clients. (thx to InS)
    In some situations the configuration of the Server Group Protection was saved wrong (missing entries or wrong comments).
    It was also not possible to write comments with spaces using the add chat command (sometimes one single word is not enough).
    Both problems are fixed now.
    - Bugfix: If the bot is checking the configuration or updating the config file, no useless error messages should be visible now.
    - Bugfix: !botcfgsave was not working correctly after the !botreload or !botreloadall command was used.

    Version 5.5.5 (25.10.2015)
    + New way to create a Windows Service of the JTS3ServerMod. Now it is possible to stop the bot by stopping the service.
    This new way is also compatible with Windows 10 (and should be also compatible with Windows 8, 8.1, Server 2012 and 2012 R2).
    Check out the tools directory! Thanks to the team behind the tool procrun from Apache Commons!
    - Bugfix: ChannelNotify throw a NullPointerException, if the AutoMove function was moving a client into the channel of ChannelNotify. Fixed now! (thx to Mischa F.)
    o Path values can contain now the variable %apphome% which will be replaced with the environment variable app.home.
    app.home will be set while starting the JTS3ServerMod as a Windows service created by my script.
    But you can also set this app.home variable while adding the argument -Dapp.home=PATH_TO_JTS3SERVERMOD while starting the JTS3ServerMod.
    If no app.home environment variable exists, it will be replaced with an empty string.
    o Recreated JTS3ServerMod Windows executables with the current version of Launch4j (because of bugfixes).
  10. JTS3ServerMod это бот для TS 3 сервера, который позволяет добавить некоторые функций для сервера

    Version 5.5.5 (25.10.2015)
    + New way to create a Windows Service of the JTS3ServerMod. Now it is possible to stop the bot by stopping the service.
    This new way is also compatible with Windows 10 (and should be also compatible with Windows 8, 8.1, Server 2012 and 2012 R2).
    Check out the tools directory! Thanks to the team behind the tool procrun from Apache Commons!
    - Bugfix: ChannelNotify throw a NullPointerException, if the AutoMove function was moving a client into the channel of ChannelNotify. Fixed now! (thx to Mischa F.)
    o Path values can contain now the variable %apphome% which will be replaced with the environment variable app.home.
    app.home will be set while starting the JTS3ServerMod as a Windows service created by my script.
    But you can also set this app.home variable while adding the argument -Dapp.home=PATH_TO_JTS3SERVERMOD while starting the JTS3ServerMod.
    If no app.home environment variable exists, it will be replaced with an empty string.
    o Recreated JTS3ServerMod Windows executables with the current version of Launch4j (because of bugfixes).

    Version 5.5.4 (11.07.2015)
    + The chat commands !clientsearch and !searchip are now able to show much more search results, if no joker character (*) was used (perfect match). (thx to Morthawt)
    This makes it possible to get a list of names, if up to 19 clients have the same IP address or client name.
    - Bugfix: The chat commands !clientsearch, !searchip, !getchannelid, !listinactivechannels and !listinactiveclients had problems with multibyte unicode characters
    in client or channel names. Now the message length will be measured right and, if needed, use the limit for chat messages on TS3 servers now. (thx to Morthawt)
    - Bugfix: Functions was not writing a warning message into the log, if a chat message with multibyte unicode characters was to long.
    This had no effects for kick or poke messages.

    Version 5.5.3 (10.07.2015)
    + Changed chat command !listinactiveclients again: Using without arguments it displays the most inactive clients. (thx to Morthawt)
    With an argument it displays the least inactive clients which are at least X days inactive.

    Version 5.5.2 (10.07.2015)
    + Changed chat command !listinactiveclients to show always the most inactive clients, even if to much was found. (thx to Morthawt)
    Number of clients is limited by the maximum length of a chat message.

    Version 5.5.1 (09.07.2015)
    + Idle Check min client count on server reimplemented using the new option min_clients_mode. (thx to Adrian G.)
    Now you can choose if the min client count have to be on server or just in that channel.
    - Bugfix: Bad Channel Name Check tried to poke or message a query client, if a query client created a channel with a bad name. (thx to ParaFAL)
    o Idle Check min client count does not count query clients anymore! Only TS3 clients will be counted now.

    Version 5.5 (06.07.2015)
    ! IdleCheck value min_clients does not count all clients on the server anymore. Now you set the min_clients in the channel.
    ! LastSeen and the !clientsearch chat command now works also if the Client Database Cache is disabled.
    + Special characters §+§ to split a long message into multiple messages. Usable for almost all functions, including Welcome Message.
    Not working for the function Advertising and for kick messages.
    This allows you to send more than 100 characters as poke message to one client by splitting it into multiple messages.
    Example Welcome Message as poke message:
    Hello Guy, this is a long greeting!§+§You are on the server and other statistics!§+§More information about the community.
    This example will send three poke messages with each up to 100 characters possible.
    + Welcome Message configuration showonconnectionnumber allows now ranges like 1-100, -20 (means 20 or less) or 100- (means 100 or more).
    + New global message variable %SERVER_CLIENT_DB_COUNT% to get the full client count of the TS3 database.
    + InactiveChannelCheck now allows to check parent channels only. This allows to delete a whole tree of channels if all sub-channels are unused.
    + ServerGroupProtection now writes all current server group members into the configuration file, if no client was set.
    As soon as one client is set for the server group, no more clients will be added to the configuration automatically.
    + ServerGroupProtection chat command add now allows the optional argument for a comment. So you can add a name to the unique id.
    - Bugfix: Called activate method of functions while loading configuration initially after starting the bot (without TS3 server connection).
    o Smaller updates to the documentation.

    Version 5.4.2 (18.01.2015)
    - Bugfix: -updateconfig argument was not working since version 5.4. (thx to InseTTe93pl)
    - Bugfix: Not every error message in log file had the right function name beside it.