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Разные TS3MassMover 0.61.21

Плагин для перемещения пользователей

  1. PaCTa
    TS3MassMover это плагин, который добавляет короткую команду чата для перемещения всех клиентов из канала или весь виртуальный сервер на указанный канал.
    To use it by chat commands (all versions), just enter the chat message
    /m help
    This shows you informations about the usage of this plugin.
    Some examples:
    To move the clients of the current channel to another channel with the channel ID 10 (channel has no password), just write:
    /m t 10
    If you want to move to the channel ID 12 and this channel have the password xefr34, just write:
    /m t 12 xefr34
    To move the clients from channel ID 28 to your current channel (your channel has no password), just write:
    /m h 28
    To move all clients from virtual server to your current channel, just write:
    /m ah
    To move all clients from virtual server to channel ID 58, just write:
    /m at 58
    To move all members of server group ID 6 to channel ID 38, just write:
    /m sgt 6 38
    To move all members of server group ID 6 to your current channel, just write:
    /m sgh 6
    To move all members of channel 10 to channel 12 and this channel have the password xefr34, just write (TS3MassMover 0.4 or newer is needed):
    /m fctc 10 12 xefr34
    Move all clients which are not members of server group ID 6 to channel ID 58, just write (TS3MassMover 0.58 or newer is needed):
    /m nsgt 6 58
    Like in the second example, you can write the channel password as last argument on all commands.

    To remember the commands easy, just read the characters like:
    m t = move to
    m h = move here
    m at = move all to
    m ah = move all here
    m sgt = move server group to
    m sgh = move server group here
    m fctc = move from channel to channel
    m nsgt = move not in server group to channel
    Для корректной работы плагина необходима установка Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 C ++ x86 (32bit) или x64 (64bit).