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Check Your Database Integrity 3.0

Тема в разделе "Корзина", создана пользователем PaCTaIcon, 12 дек 2010.

  1. PaCTa

    PaCTaIcon TeamSpeak Addic Администратор

    15 ноя 2007
    Check Your Database Integrity.png

    Check the integrity of the tables in your server Database (SQLite or MySQL). This script will check properties, servers, groups, etc for each table and show you if there is an inconsistency. You'll can clean your database to avoid error message or bug. Save this script on your web server (or WAMP, XAMPP, LAMP server).
    For sqlite database, copy/paste your file in the same folder of this script (Be sure that this file is readable).

    The PDO extension, must be activated in your php settings.
    (php_pdo_sqlite, php_pdo_mysql, - php_pdo in some cases)


    For people using a big sqlite database

    By default this script has a time out limit (30sec php default). If you have a big database,
    you will probably need to increase the execution time.

    So, edit the index.php file and add a time out setting line between the last line of the license and the end php tag like this:
    * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html GNU General Public License


    Changelog :
    Version 3.0 - 06 June 2011
    ! Now, for sqlite the database file must be in the same folder
    of this script
    + Create a new read system for sqlite database
    - Remove the file selection for sqlite database
    - Fixed bad place for alert message in the server group test
    Version 2.0 - 03 Oct 2010
    + Add auto test for new version
    + Add i_group_auto_update_type test for each server and channel groups.

