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Административные YaTQA / Yet another TeamSpeak 3 Query App 3.9.9b

GUI для управления серверами TeamSpeak в Windows

  1. 077948

    077948 Пользователь

    1 июл 2014
  2. VJean

    VJean ǝноɯʚıqж Администратор Знаток

    26 июл 2014
    Пользователь VJean обновил ресурс YaTQA / Yet another TeamSpeak 3 Query App новой записью:

    "Еще одно TeamSpeak 3 Query Admin приложение"

    Узнать больше об этом обновлении...
  3. The_Code

    The_Code Премиум Пользователь

    31 мар 2015
    Всем ку))
    Я тут вообщем перевод пьяный настряпал)
    Перевод делался под 3.6-pre, на предыдущие версии полуавтоматический перевод запилил на основе перевода для 3.6-pre Biggrin_man32Biggrin_man32Biggrin_man32
    Крч скачивайте и пишите, где исправить - исправим Drinks_man67
    • Нравится Нравится x 1
  4. Drayver

    Drayver Пользователь

    1 фев 2016
    • Полный бред Полный бред x 1
    • Оптимистично :) Оптимистично :) x 1
    • Пост ни о чём Пост ни о чём x 1
  5. VJean

    VJean ǝноɯʚıqж Администратор Знаток

    26 июл 2014
    Пользователь VJean обновил ресурс YaTQA / Yet another TeamSpeak 3 Query App новой записью:

    "Еще одно TeamSpeak 3 Query Admin приложение"

    Узнать больше об этом обновлении...
  6. VJean

    VJean ǝноɯʚıqж Администратор Знаток

    26 июл 2014
    Пользователь VJean обновил ресурс YaTQA / Yet another TeamSpeak 3 Query App новой записью:

    "Еще одно TeamSpeak 3 Query Admin приложение"

    Узнать больше об этом обновлении...
  7. Evg3n

    Evg3n Пользователь

    22 окт 2014
    Всем привет. Такой вопрос, хочу через ету скопировать сервак, т.е. взять допустим сервер 1 и с такими же комнатами и привилегиями создать сервер 2. Делаю снапшот с 1 сервера, востанавливаю снапшот, сервак виртуальный создается, но не запускается т.к. сервер 1 и 2 создаются с одним и тем же Global ID, можно ли его как то изменить? или подскажите вариант как скопировать сервак, заранее спасибо.
  8. VJean

    VJean ǝноɯʚıqж Администратор Знаток

    26 июл 2014
    @Evg3n Global ID можно поменять в зарегестрированной версии ятки (recalculate hash)
    скопировать через снапшоты виртуальный сервер на тот же "физический" сервер тимспика - не получится. ограничение из-за проверки GID виртуального сервера в существующей базе тимспика.

    как варианты:
    1. изменить GID в базе напрямую, через редактор базы. на форуме обсуждался подобный перенос.
    2. Как перенести сервер TS от ATHP на свой хостинг
  9. VJean

    VJean ǝноɯʚıqж Администратор Знаток

    26 июл 2014
    3.6 (17 Aug 2016)
    This version was released later than announced for two reasons:
    1. I’m looking for a proper (and cheap, meaning under 1 euro per month) IPv6-enabled host for more testing, because my current host doesn’t offer IPv6 but I want to stick with them for other reasons. I’m currently contacting some hosts for more info. Without this, I cannot make 100% sure that YaTQA’s behavior to file transfers bound on another IP (while competely bount to IPv6) is correct.
    2. I’m not using 3.0.13-b2 (aka 3.0.13-final) yet because of many reports of stability issues. I therefore cannot make sure that YaTQA fully supports 3.0.13b2. I’m using 3.0.13b1 for both, production and testing.
    3. There seem to be more and more high-priority security issues that I want TeamSpeak to fix so I can update the server version adviser to a version with these issues fixed.
    4. TeamSpeak withdrew the release of the IPv6-enabled client version 3.0.20 because of many security issues. Without a proper IPv6 client, testing is not possible.
    • Added support for the official TeamSpeak permission overview exports to permission file editor
      • Note: These files must have been created in “Show names” mode.
      • Note: Non-ANSI characters are not supported by TeamSpeak when creating these files and will therefore show up as question marks in YaTQA. This is not a YaTQA issue.
      • Note: After opening such a file, you will be shown a list so you can choose what part of the file you would like to import, e.g. “Server Groups › Server Admin”.
      • Note: Exporting to this file format is not supported. Clicking “Save” will result in “Save As...”, even if the filename is displayed in the title bar.
    • After implementing IPv6 support three years before TeamSpeak supported it, I found it made sense to add the Flag of Scotland to the resources (named AB for Alba, since all other combinations one could make with “Scotland” are taken).
    • Added support for and
    • Added workaround for a bug that sometimes did not display the correct info pane in Users tab if user repeatedly selected and deselected a tree node (because the selection event did not fire when the selected node had the focus (dotted rectangle))
    • Added chatting with complaint targets and invokers
    • Made mass-permission editing more straight-forward
      • Hid “subgroups/clusters” checkbox when not applicable
      • Disabled “Skip” and “Negated” checkboxes when editing grant permissions
    • Implemented support for mass-editing grant permissions (this feature existed before, but never worked for boolean permissions and was seriously bugged for integer permissions)
    • Prevented users from adding empty custom permissions in permission file editor (YaTQA previously created an empty item and asked the user to edit this, but no event was fired if the text was left empty, so this invalid result could not be handled. Another bug kept users from editing those items.)
    • Added support for
    • Fixed a bug that did not enable buttons for adding people to server group and viewing client channel permissions when selecting an online client
    • Hints for the image-only buttons in permissions and channel group subtabs now also appear next to the mouse pointer
    • Update checker now checks the input for a certain header to make sure it is not an invalid response (e.g. from the site being blocked or not being properly logged into a public WiFi network)
    • The OK button is now disabled when creating a channel until you enter a name.
    • Fixed two bugs that prevented file transfers from working if using IPv6 and connected to a query DNS whose IP is also valid for file transfer
    • Added support for 3.1 [beta]/1471417187
    • Increased time limit to include up to February 2016
    • Updated hinting for outdated server versions from 1461597405 to
    Подробнее об этом обновлении...
  10. The_Code

    The_Code Премиум Пользователь

    31 мар 2015
    Ой, релизик Biggrin_man32. Вечером запилю перевод Beach_man987
  11. VJean

    VJean ǝноɯʚıqж Администратор Знаток

    26 июл 2014
    @The_Code свяжись с автором, пускай выпускает официально с твоим копирайтом
  12. The_Code

    The_Code Премиум Пользователь

    31 мар 2015
    Чёт лень) Может быть свяжусь, когда своё тут всё доделаю)
    Последнее редактирование модератором: 18 авг 2016
  13. VJean

    VJean ǝноɯʚıqж Администратор Знаток

    26 июл 2014
    3.6.1 (30 Aug 2016)
    • ––– English development snapshot updated here, see below for download –––
    • Added new SRV TSDNS lookup scheme (superseeded by the next change)
    • Added a combo box to select the version for the DNS lookup simulator (either 3.0.8 or 3.1)
      • Note: This feature will be removed in the final winter release.
    • Fixed a bug that caused a strange message when the blacklist checker received an empty or no answer from the server
    • Fixed a bug that prevented users from checking the blacklist for IPs (as opposed to DNSs)
    • The donation-related “Did you know?” tip is no longer more likely the others
    • Added “Did you know?” tip on IPv6
    • Fixed a bug that sometimes (only with Aero?) prevented the length of the server address in the second arrow (above the tab bar) from properly being limited to a certain width, which also was increased by a few pixels (if this causes issues when using Wine, let me know)
    • ––– German development snapshot updated here, see below for download –––
    • SRVs resolving to IPs are now displayed as error rather than warning in v3.1 mode
    • Added connection_connected_time to “What’s this value?”
    • Fixed the download URL always pointing to the German site
    • Completely changed DNS resolver for standard lookups (BIND workaround is now always enabled because three lookups (AAAA/A/CNAME) at once appear to be threated as an A lookup by the default Google servers as well)
    • The SSH tunnel now uses the same IPv6 syntax for switching between IP versions and will force Plink to use that protocol
    • Possibly fixed a rare bug that sometimes caused problems when connecting to some servers via SSH
    • Fixed IDN support for TSDNS (supported only ASCII, but should support UTF-8/CESU-8 with BMP-only)
    • Added support for the new 3.1 tail of a TSDNS request (bytes 10, 13, 13, 13, 10 or 0x0A0D0D0D0A)
    • Updated hinting for outdated server versions from to
    • Added support for 3.1 [beta]/1472203002
    • –-– internal progress until here –––
    Подробнее об этом обновлении...
  14. VJean

    VJean ǝноɯʚıqж Администратор Знаток

    26 июл 2014
    Despite being a release candidate, this is an official update. The time limit in 3.5 did not properly run out on August 31th, 2016, so these people must download a new version by January 1st, 2017. I want those people to upgrade to the 3.7 series because of the new IPv6-enabled DNS resolver and all the bug fixes that are included. I want to do some more DNS improvements for 3.7-final, though.

    • Added an option to ignore all errors in chained operations
    • Add client icon
    • Add channel icon
    • Fixed version selection in DNS resolver not being updated in English version
    • Decided to make 1481641346 iOS visible in version selection, though I’m not sure if it’s only an internal release
    • Fixed position of the new script checkbox (affected Pro users with non-default window size only)

    • Fixed brief flashing of other info pane when opening the users tab
    • Changed all comboboxes to a dropdown count of 15, a number that is already used universally in the permission tab for example
    • Changed name of version 3.1-beta5 to 3.1-beta4r2 to match the internal numbering TeamSpeak uses (this has always been marked as only a hotfix in YaTQA, though)
    • Above change for DNS resolver
    • Possibly fixed a rare bug that sometimes caused an access violation when doubleclicking a server in the client cache’s server list
    • Added a hint that you can find information on times with delayed key creation on the website
    • Prevented -c from changing your quick connect server
    • Fixed incorrect official syntax of channeldelete (YaTQA Pro)
    • Fixed a bug that displayed an error after using the “What’s this value?” feature for a parameter-style string (YaTQA Pro)
    • Added support for myTeamSpeak badges (RedeemerTS3 only)
    • Fixed a bug that prevented the top bar and caption from updating if serverinfo failed but whoami worked
    • Server groups in Users and User Details tab are now sorted by sort ID.
    • Added option to replace all channels when importing a channel file
    • The quickstart guide that ships with the server implies that serverstart should be synchronous, so we can use a server right after starting it. I haven’t seen a server not being marked online when the list refreshed after starting it.
    • Fixed a bug that prevented users from selecting groups in many places, e.g. the instance (instance statistics) and server settings (advanced tab)
    • Fixed a bug in the DNS resolver that displayed SRVs resolving directly into IPs as a fail for versions that would actually connect and displayed a warning for versions that wouldn’t
    • Changed links to TS3Index and the IP locating service to HTTPS
      • Note: yat.qa does not use HTTPS because without HTTP Firefox’ location bar just says “yat.qa” which looks cooler to me.
      • Note: Services accessed using YaTQA (update checker, Planet TeamSpeak API) do not use HTTPS because I want people to be able to verify what is being sent to my servers. I think that’s important for software that asks for potentially valuable credentials. Also, implementing HTTPS would require me to ship ssleay32.dll/libeay32.dll with the product.
    • Added displaying of the channel group icon
    • Added displaying of the server group icons
    • Added displaying of badges
    • Fixed “shared IP” feature being disabled when all users were loaded
    • Bade the instance stats tab’s “license” button’s hint clearly state that it’s about the TeamSpeak server rather than YaTQA
    • Fixed a bug that caused recalculating the snapshot hash of snapshots with hashes containing slashes to fail (not enough text removed before hashing)
    • Fixed a bug that caused recalculating the snapshot hash of snapshots that would include slashes to fail (missing escaping)
    • Fixed a bug that caused adding people to server groups to be executed at least twice if the user pressed Enter for this action and the combobox control was in dropdown style
    • Fixed a bug that caused adding people to server groups to be executed repeatedly if the user pressed Enter for this action and confirmed a resulting error message with Enter while the combobox control was in simple/list style (in this style, you can only add a user again if you changed the input, which makes sense anyway)
    • If you have the server icon cached, it is now displayed as the image of the “join” button (it is loaded as soon as you enter either of the two first virtualserver tabs which usually is instant, but for some features that change servers the previous TeamSpeak icon is displayed instead)
    • Added a feature to set all permissions currently displayed (Permissions tab)
    • The filter warning message displayed by that feature (and the “cluster” variant it derives from) is now displayed for the “delete displayed permissions” feature as well, which has consequently been renamed into “delete all permissions”.
    • Add a feature to set all ‘power’ permissions
    • Add a feature to set all existing (already set) ‘power’ permissions
    • Add a feature to delete all ‘power’ permissions
    • Moved some features in the permission tab’s context menu
    • Update hinting for outdated server versions from to (beta=final)
    • Updated client versions to choose from (not quire sure if iOS 1481641346 as well as Android 1474882482 and 1477071110 are public, but I don’t think so and chose to hide them from the list)
    • Changed plain TSDNS lookups to show up as warnings on more recent server versions

    • ––– English development snapshot updated here, see below for download –––
    • Fixed two buttons being default (blue border, so they are activated when pressing enter) in login tab when connected
    • Fixed server group member controls not being aligned right in permissions tab
    • If the window is wide enough, the server group window list now spans the full height. I tried to make this available to non-Pro users, but there is no event that notifies me if the list is small enough.
      • Please note that a workaround is used to add a user when pressing the Enter key, because in simple list mode, this event isn’t fired, at least on Windows 7. If this event is however fired on other versions (1282, database duplicate entry), please report this error!
      • Please als note that this list does not support multiselect. This is a limitation in Windows and cannot be changed.
    • Fixed last “Did you know?” message (regarding IPv6) not showing for registered users
    • Added a feature to show only users with non-unique IPs in User DB
      • Note: You must have these users downloaded.
      • It can be combined with the ban mode.
    • Added a word (“downloaded”) to the label that displays the number of downloaded User DB records to make sure people understand what it is and why it doesn't go away in neither the groups, ban nor unique IP mode
    • Added “All Channels” button to the selection window
    • Improved the DNS lookup simulation’s version selection a lot
      • Note: YaTQA can now simulate all the lookups of every TeamSpeak version from today’s 3.1-beta5 back to the earliest 3.0.0-betas.
      • Note: These versions behave in 10 different ways which is how you select them:
        1. 3.0.0-beta37: Simple DNS (A, CNAME) only and no IDN support.
        2. 3.0.0-rc1: Added TSDNS (which I think did support IDN for the TSDNS queries itself (UTF-8) back then, therefore essentially only working on subdomains of the domain running the TSDNS server).
        3. 3.0.0-rc2 – 3.0.7: Added Punycode support to IDN A lookups.
        4. 3.0.8 – 3.0.16: Added SRV (using an algorithm for IDN that is simply bullshit).
        5. 3.0.17 – Properly converting uppercase characters to lowercase (now works for non-ASCII).
        6. 3.0.20: Completely broke any IDN support for non-TSDNS queries. Added TSDNS tail (0x0A0D0D0D0A), so the server can serve IPv6 results as well as multiple results for redundancy (which is both not supported until 3.1-beta1 it seems). Removed plain (non-SRV) TSDNS. Always looking up only the second-level domain for SRV TSDNS (if there is no second level, there is no SRV TSDNS). IPs are now considered invalid SRV targets. Domains are now considered an invalid TSDNS result. BTW: hosts no longer works.
        7. 3.1-beta1: Added AAAA support.
        8. 3.1-beta2: SRV TSDNS now uses Mozilla’s Public Suffix List for determining what domain to use for the SRV TSDNS lookup. Stuff that’s a public suffix is no longer queried for anything but standard lookups. SRV lookups are not done if connecting to a public suffix (or other top-level name).
        9. 3.1-beta3: Plain TSDNS re-added. Domains used for new plain TSDNS include the domain used for SRV TSDNS as well as up to one subdomain of that domain. TSDNS is now completely case-sensitive. IDN working for A again and working for SRV for the first time. BTW: IPs are still invalid SRV targets.
        10. 3.1-beta4 – 3.1-beta5: TSDNS is now completely case-insensitive again.
    • Added support for new 3.1-beta DNS resolving log format to server history (the feature did work, but did not display the original input)
    • Fixed a bug that stopped adding more servers from a log file to the history list if a was a duplicate of one that was already in the list
    • Improved displaying of IPv6 addresses in server history
      • Note: TeamSpeak 3.0.20 used a format here that is a bit ambigious. Because very few people used this version and it was quickly deprecated because of an important hotfix from the 3.0.19 series, I chose not to make special adjustments just for this version.
    • Fixed IDN not displaying correctly in server history
    • Adjusted duplicate server history entry detection to work with 3.1-beta
      • Note: This...
    Подробнее об этом обновлении...
  15. VJean

    VJean ǝноɯʚıqж Администратор Знаток

    26 июл 2014
    Подробнее об этом обновлении...
  16. VJean

    VJean ǝноɯʚıqж Администратор Знаток

    26 июл 2014
    Full changelog:
    • Fixed icon selection window being incorrectly sized in the English version
    • Updated badges (removed TeamSpeak’s testing stuff)
    • Fixed incorrect position of “All servers” checkbox on bans tab
    • Made badges support compatible with 3.1.1 and up
    • Made RedeemerTS3 ignore the case of the Overwolf badge
    • All references to the file backup, file list and snapshot manipulation features are now removed if in Freeware mode
    • Fixed the permission overview feature being in the context menu of channel in the server tree
    • Added setting the description of multiple channels at once
    • Changed the button tab order of the BBcode editor to match other windows of that kind
    • Fixed a bug that prevented the console command history from being saved if the application itself was closed
    • Added setting your query client’s badges to the Self menu in instance Misc tab (Overwolf setting also got moved there)
    • Changed the way setting the badges for oneself works again already, as you can set the same badge twice or trice, though limited to a total of 3 badges.
    • Fixed inverting the background of the avatar preview not working properly
    • Fixed two missing translation strings in instance stats tab
    • Added badges you could get for signing up for TS Sync at TeamSpeak’s booths in 2014 (Gamescom and Paris Games Week 2014)
    • Fixed a bug that prevented a different error message and different buttons from appearing if the last or single item of a process caused an error
    Подробнее об этом обновлении...
  17. VJean

    VJean ǝноɯʚıqж Администратор Знаток

    26 июл 2014
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  18. VJean

    VJean ǝноɯʚıqж Администратор Знаток

    26 июл 2014
    3.7.3-beta (17 Jun 2017)
    • Added a feature to Users tab to change a user’s channel group in every selected channel (e.g. make that user channel admin)
    • When creating new channels, you can now copy permissions from a channel but not copy (normal) channel properties.
    • When creating a new channel, you can now copy non-default channel group memberships from a channel.
    • Fixed a bug that caused YaTQA to copy channel permissions from the channel selected in the tree rather than the channel selected in the channel creation window
    • When creating new channels, channel names are checked for length and collisions.
    • When creating new channels, empty lines and leading/trailing whitespace characters are now ignored.
    • ––– English development snapshot updated here, see below for download –––
    • Made the BBcode encoder use the names for the following colors, as they are shorter than the corresponding hex color codes: azure, beige, bisque, brown, coral, gold, gray (an encoder only needs to know one of the two spellings), green, indigo, ivory, khaki, linen, maroon, navy, olive, orange, orchid, peru, pink, plum, purple, red, salmon, sienna, silver, snow, tan, teal, tomato, violet, wheat.
    • Moved file list feature to unregistered version
    • Changed update checker link to a another domain because I cannot turn off logging on the webspace used before (I hate logging and wanted to keep that consistent with yat.qa which doesn’t have any logging either)
    • Added Android beta 3.1.3 ( is not available for selection because selecting it would block every other version of TeamSpeak released prior to 2170)
    • Fixed channel creation window not closing on OK
    • ––– German development snapshot updated here, see below for download –––
    • Moved the spawning point of the permission editing popup menu in permission comparison a few pixels, so triple-clicking will open the window to edit the permission
    • Added progress and cancel feature to executing multiple custom commands
    • Added support for downscaling high-res icons
    • Note: SVG support is set to be added at a later time, I still have to think about how to add it. Maybe I won’t even add it.
    • Added 3.1.5 beta versions
    3.7.3-beta (17 Jun 2017)
    • –-– internal progress until here –––
    • Doubleclicking ftkey in console query results now downloads the file. Because I want to add that feature for uploads as well, but uploads are more complicated to create (i.e. you need the size of the file), I think I will make these seperate features of the console instead of using the result window.
    • Support for new SSH host keys (YaTQA Pro)
    • General function for memorizing highlighted items and restoring them after a refresh
    • Maybe fix incorrect handling of non-default bitmap header sizes
    • Add icons for moderated and music
    • Maybe change default group icons to Mono/Colored set
    • Possibly move all those icons and badges to the top header bar (that reads “Users”)
    • Maybe make the installer use the path of YaTQA.lnk if present in start menu
    • Hang on Windows shutdown? Need to take a closer look.
    Подробнее об этом обновлении...
  19. qmax89

    qmax89 Пользователь

    27 апр 2017
    Всем доброго времени суток.
    Есть ли что-то похожее на YatQa для Mac os?
  20. VJean

    VJean ǝноɯʚıqж Администратор Знаток

    26 июл 2014
    @qmax89 ятку можно запускать под вайном (Wine)
    • Нравится Нравится x 2