Current Version:
Latest Release Date: 17.09.20
Current TS3 Support:
ACRE2 is a full fledged communications suite for Arma, allowing realistic radio and voice communications through Teamspeak 3. The original ACRE released in the Summer of 2010 set the bar for communications in the Arma series and allowed what was once the tedious and long task of organizing Teamspeak or Ventrilo channels, with multiple whisper lists and no direct communications between groups, to be reduced to a natural implementation in a single Teamspeak channel. All players are able to speak with each other directly or use in game configurable radios to communicate at longer distances providing unparalleled immersion in the Arma series.
ACRE2 takes what ACRE1 pioneered to a whole new level. With increased performance and stability ACRE2 provides and even more immersive communications experience for the Arma user. Direct voice communications has had a complete overhaul and introduced new features such as occlusion from the environment, including vehicles and buildings, as well as multi-channel audio, allowing voices to be heard from multiple sources. A new virtual language feature in the Babel System allows mission makers to designate "languages" to certain players, making those that do not speak the same language indecipherable. This presents a multitude of gaming scenarios including player translators (Babel allows multiple languages per-person) and enemy communications that are unable to be understood.
The core feature of ACRE has always been radios though, and that has undergone major improvements in ACRE2 as well. A new, extremely powerful and modular distributed data system allows for a whole manner of new features to be simulated in a robust and reliable way, and powers the most realistic real time radio simulation released in either the civilian or military market. The new data system is designed to support large numbers of radios, in a JIP compatible and persistent world setup, as well as allowing for the future implementation of highly advanced features such as data event logging and radio replay ability. While the public beta only implements two functional radios at the moment the robust and well documented framework allows for rapid prototyping and easy implementation of new radio systems by ACRE as well as the community at large. The entire system is implemented in a way to maximize commonality with current Arma modding practices, going so far to even allow individual sounds of the radios to be modded by the community or any other feature.
ACRE2 requires the latest version of Teamspeak 3 be installed (either 32bit or 64bit), as well as the Community Base Addons (CBA) for Arma 3, which is available on Steam or on the forums here: http://forums.bistud...e-Addons-ARMA-3
Please click Show below the installation type.
Manual Installation:
- Download from the above link and extract the zip file to your hard drive.
- Open the extracted folder and open the Teamspeak/plugins folder.
- Copy the correct version of the plugin dll for your Teamspeak installation.
- Navigate to your Teamspeak installation and open the plugins folder.
- Paste the plugin into that folder, overwriting any current ACRE2 plugin.
- Return to the extracted folder and go to the Game folder.
- Copy the @ACRE2 folder.
- Navigate to your Arma 3 installation folder.
- Delete any current @ACRE2 folder and then paste in the @ACRE2 folder you copied from the extracted zip.
- Create a new shortcut or edit an existing one, and add @ACRE2 and @CBA_A3 to the -mod parameter, for a longer explanation see this tutorial: http://www.armaholic...m=posts&q=20866
- Launch Teamspeak 3 and enable the ACRE2 plugin in the Settings > Plugins window.
- Launch Arma 3 from the shortcut you created.
Subscribe to ACRE2 on Steam and make sure you are also subscribed to CBA. Enable and launch Arma 3. At launch ACRE will try to copy the plugins to your TS installation dir. If it can not it will warn you. If it is successful it will tell you.
Enable the ACRE2 plugin in TS3.
- Launch Teamspeak 3 and enable the ACRE2 plugin in the Settings > Plugins window.
- Launch Arma 3 from the shortcut you created.
Improved Graphics
The radio displays for the AN/PRC-343, AN/PRC-148 and the AN/PRC-77 have been upgraded with artwork from models made by Hatchet. The direct speech volume slider visuals have been improved by dslyecxi.
Improved Radio Signal Simulation
The radio signal simulation model has been completely rewritten as an extension. The model is more advanced now and provides a greater degree of simulation. It now evaluates many possible radio signal pathways as well as directional antenna patterns. We have also added an option for the simulation to ignore directional antenna patterns. The previous difficulty settings and API calls for the simulation model all still work.
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Разные A.C.R.E 2 v2.8.0.1037
Advanced Combat Radio Environment
Последние обнoвления
- ACRE2 Release - 7 мар 2021
- ACRE2 v2.4.1.947 23 мар 2017
- A.C.R.E2 Release - 16 мар 2017