●• Обновление перевода под новую версию/небольшие фиксы ошибок. •●
3.9d (01 Mar 2018), 3.9c (19 Feb 2018)
- Fixed typecast error when copying groups
- Updated supported server version
- ––– English development snapshot updated here, see below for download –––
- ––– German development snapshot updated here, see below for download –––
- ––– internal progress until here –––
3.9c (19 Feb 2018)
- Fixed error when loading uncached icons in Users tab
- Replaced badges with their SVG versions
- ––– internal progress until here –––
3.9b (18 Feb 2018)
- Fixed client details not updating
- Fixed client details always updating on window resize
- Fixed position of text in the right status box in client details
- Fixed overwolf status not displaying in client details
- Fixed incorrect scaling of large portrait (h < w) icons
- Fixed incorrect scaling of the alpha channel of PNG mode 4 (grayscale alpha) images
- Changed operating system icons to SVG files (Apple is from Wikipedia, the rest I drew myself)
3.9 (15 Feb 2018)
- Fixed joining servers to a certain channel
- (RedeemerTS3) [Test/Debug] Added a possible fix for YaTQA becoming unresponsive when shutting down the operating system
- (RedeemerTS3) [Test/Debug] Internal changes, maybe fixing some issues when connecting to localhost on some systems
- Fixed a bug that limited names of copied groups to 30 UTF-16 entities rather than characters (only affects entering non-BMP (UCS-2) characters)
- Note: Group names are the only (known) place where the TeamSpeak server has full Unicode support. Other functions will remove non-BMP characters prior to doing anything.
- Note: The bug fixed here also exists in the client, with the difference that the client’s clipping behaviour of too long strings is non-standard (produces a half surrogate entity, which doesn’t make any sense).
- Note: This bug was also fixed everywhere else, however, entering non-BMP (UCS-2) characters won’t make any sense when YaTQA is used with TeamSpeak, as it doesn’t support them there.
- Note: This bug did not exist when renaming groups (and also did not exist for creating new groups due to another bug which prevented new groups’ names from being checked, see next change).
- Fixed a bug that prevented the max length check from affecting the names of new groups to be created
- Updated server version below which YaTQA will suggest an update to 3.1.0-final
- Updated client versions
- Removed client versions not compatible with 3.1.0 server (3.1.7-beta is not compatible, 3.1.7 is)
- Increased time limit to August 2018
3.9-rc1 (21 Jan 2018)
It is recommended to use this version with servers updated to 3.1.0, even though the only additions that require it are a new permission and a new virtual server property.
- Fixed pseudo snapshots not working with minimal channel details
- You can now choose whether you want the client DB included or not.
- Changes in the pseudo snapshot window to match the last change
- Internal changes to RedeemerTS3 (error handling is no longer overridden in RedeemerTS3P)
- YaTQA now ignores accounting errors (e.g. not enough slots, not enough virtual servers) when deploying snapshots.
- Fixed incorrect displaying of some info when overwriting servers with snapshots, deploying a pseudo snapshot or (in YaTQA Pro) creating a new server with a new keypair
- Fixed a recently-introduced bug that truncated the last character in an event notification
- Fixed MIFCOM badge not displaying its description properly (Delphi uses the vertical bar to divide hints into short and long hints, so the Latin letter dental click is used instead now)
- Fixed semaphore bug with permidgetbyname when finding unused icons or looking up a permission in the console (RedeemerTS3A, introduced in 3.9-beta3c)
- Added new client versions
- Internal changes to SHA1 and Base64 functions
- Added entering the new server nickname (3.1.0 required)
- Fixed “Set all power permissions” menu item not being disabled if the list was empty
- Updated permissions to version 20 (added nickname)
- Removed limit of 3 badges (only works on client version 3.1.8-beta1 or older, newer clients however will display only the first 3 badges)
- Now uses Windows’ SHA-1 features in advapi32.dll (available under Windows XP as well)
- Added note to pseudo snapshot window that these snapshots are for use with YaTQA 3.9-beta5c or newer only (registered users of the older version
- Added a feature to change the password of server and channels when your server snapshot would be deployed with another keypair (wish was used to salt the hashed passwords stored in the snapshot)
- Updated copyright year
- Some small visual improvements to badges window (significantly larger now as we have more badges)
- Replaced the question window about disabling timeout with a checkbox
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Административные Русский YaTQA / Yet another TeamSpeak 3 Query App (Русифицированная версия) 3.9d RUS
Русский GUI для управления серверами TeamSpeak в Windows
YaTQA 3.9d released (01 Mar 2018) | RUS Update 01.03.18|
YaTQA 3.8 released (21 Aug 2017) | RUS Update 24.08.17 |
●• Обновление перевода/исправление ошибок. •●
3.8 (21 Aug 2017)
- Added new client versions
- Added features to the new user permissions list to select all users, server permissions or channel permissions
- Internal changes to handling list selections
- Significantly improved performance of the Ctrl+A shortcut
- Increased time limit to include up to February 2018
- Major SSH tunnel rework: Removed requirements for telnet and bash and improved performance.
3.8-pre (14 Aug 2017)
- Fixed Blacklist2 menu item not being disabled when there wasn’t one server selected
- Added feature that displays all users who currently have client or channel client permissions alongside with a list of permissions they have
- Fixed Blacklist2 not working when connected to an IPv6 address without using a domain name
3.7.4-beta2 (11 Aug 2017)
- Added new badges
- Added feature to download a certain number of log lines (given in iterations of logview command, equivalent to hectolines)
- Added support for new SSH host keys (YaTQA Pro)
- Improved error texts in SSH mode (YaTQA Pro)
- Added copying ts3image and ts3file links
- In the menu that appears when attempting to change an already set Host Banner and Host Button graphics, the View feature now supports the ts3imageprotocol
- Added the port of the checked server to the Blacklist2 result message
3.7.4-beta (10 Aug 2017)
Skipped 3.7.3-final because of beta client release today.
- Added some more client versions
- Added preliminary support for Blacklist2 (found in Servers tab context menu)
- Added support for server nicknames
- Note: The Blacklist2 feature uses a tunnel server because YaTQA does not support HTTPS whereas the nickname feature does not use a tunnel server, although it does use HTTPS as well. The reason for this is that the query for nicknames is so simple that I can use a Windows function for it, that saves the result in a file (servernickname.txt in your INI’s folder).
- Added four more client versions
3.7.3-beta (17 Jun 2017)
- Added a feature to Users tab to change a user’s channel group in every selected channel (e.g. make that user channel admin)
- When creating new channels, you can now copy permissions from a channel but not copy (normal) channel properties.
- When creating a new channel, you can now copy non-default channel group memberships from a channel.
- Fixed a bug that caused YaTQA to copy channel permissions from the channel selected in the tree rather than the channel selected in the channel creation window
- When creating new channels, channel names are checked for length and collisions.
- When creating new channels, empty lines and leading/trailing whitespace characters are now ignored.
- ––– English development snapshot updated here, see below for download –––
- Made the BBcode encoder use the names for the following colors, as they are shorter than the corresponding hex color codes: azure, beige, bisque, brown, coral, gold, gray (an encoder only needs to know one of the two spellings), green, indigo, ivory, khaki, linen, maroon, navy, olive, orange, orchid, peru, pink, plum, purple, red, salmon, sienna, silver, snow, tan, teal, tomato, violet, wheat.
- Moved file list feature to unregistered version
- Changed update checker link to a another domain because I cannot turn off logging on the webspace used before (I hate logging and wanted to keep that consistent with yat.qa which doesn’t have any logging either)
- Added Android beta 3.1.3 ( is not available for selection because selecting it would block every other version of TeamSpeak released prior to 2170)
- Fixed channel creation window not closing on OK
- ––– German development snapshot updated here, see below for download –––
- Moved the spawning point of the permission editing popup menu in permission comparison a few pixels, so triple-clicking will open the window to edit the permission
- Added progress and cancel feature to executing multiple custom commands
- Added support for downscaling high-res icons
- Note: SVG support is set to be added at a later time, I still have to think about how to add it. Maybe I won’t even add it.
- Added 3.1.5 beta versions
3.7.1, 14 Mar 2017
- Fixed icon selection window being incorrectly sized in the English version
- Updated badges (removed TeamSpeak’s testing stuff)
- Fixed incorrect position of “All servers” checkbox on bans tab
- Made badges support compatible with 3.1.1 and up
- Made RedeemerTS3 ignore the case of the Overwolf badge
- All references to the file backup, file list and snapshot manipulation features are now removed if in Freeware mode
- Fixed the permission overview feature being in the context menu of channel in the server tree
- Added setting the description of multiple channels at once
- Changed the button tab order of the BBcode editor to match other windows of that kind
- Fixed a bug that prevented the console command history from being saved if the application itself was closed
- Added setting your query client’s badges to the Self menu in instance Misc tab (Overwolf setting also got moved there)
- Changed the way setting the badges for oneself works again already, as you can set the same badge twice or trice, though limited to a total of 3 badges.
- Fixed inverting the background of the avatar preview not working properly
- Fixed two missing translation strings in instance stats tab
- Added badges you could get for signing up for TS Sync at TeamSpeak’s booths in 2014 (Gamescom and Paris Games Week 2014)
- Fixed a bug that prevented a different error message and different buttons from appearing if the last or single item of a process caused an error
PaCTa нравится это. -
3.6.1 (RUS)
3.6.1 (30 Aug 2016)
- ––– English development snapshot updated here, see below for download –––
- Added new SRV TSDNS lookup scheme (superseeded by the next change)
- Added a combo box to select the version for the DNS lookup simulator (either 3.0.8 or 3.1)
- Note: This feature will be removed in the final winter release.
- Fixed a bug that caused a strange message when the blacklist checker received an empty or no answer from the server
- Fixed a bug that prevented users from checking the blacklist for IPs (as opposed to DNSs)
- The donation-related “Did you know?” tip is no longer more likely the others
- Added “Did you know?” tip on IPv6
- Fixed a bug that sometimes (only with Aero?) prevented the length of the server address in the second arrow (above the tab bar) from properly being limited to a certain width, which also was increased by a few pixels (if this causes issues when using Wine, let me know)
- ––– German development snapshot updated here, see below for download –––
- SRVs resolving to IPs are now displayed as error rather than warning in v3.1 mode
- Added connection_connected_time to “What’s this value?”
- Fixed the download URL always pointing to the German site
- Completely changed DNS resolver for standard lookups (BIND workaround is now always enabled because three lookups (AAAA/A/CNAME) at once appear to be threated as an A lookup by the default Google servers as well)
- The SSH tunnel now uses the same IPv6 syntax for switching between IP versions and will force Plink to use that protocol
- Possibly fixed a rare bug that sometimes caused problems when connecting to some servers via SSH
- Fixed IDN support for TSDNS (supported only ASCII, but should support UTF-8/CESU-8 with BMP-only)
- Added support for the new 3.1 tail of a TSDNS request (bytes 10, 13, 13, 13, 10 or 0x0A0D0D0D0A)
- Updated hinting for outdated server versions from to
- Added support for 3.1 [beta]/1472203002
3.6 (RUS)
3.6-pre (07 May 2016, unofficial release)
Development moved from my desktop computer (3HUNDERT) to my new laptop (CEPHYNF). However, both a running Windows 7 x64.
This is an unofficial release, because some new features got added and some internal performance changes affect large parts of the application.
- Improved list performance in client cache
- Fixed a bug that prevented the join button from properly sending the user into channels with quotation marks (") or sharp signs (#) in their namens
- Possibly fixed some other rare bugs related to joining channels and especially subchannels
- Fixed a bug that prevented the feature to find all users with any non-default certain channel group in a channel from working
- Added a feature to find users with a certain (or any non-default) channel group in any channel (last column is used to display which channel group and channel)
- Removed default channel group from the list that is used to select a group for channel group search features
- Added a way to delete people from channel groups in user DB channel group mode (this menu item is only visible while in that mode)
- Updated minimum client versions to choose from (thanks to ts3index.com)
- Improved log display performance, especially when filtering
- Fixed a bug that caused YaTQA to freeze when viewing logs that included a ban message with an ampersand (&)
- Added multi selection for adding server and channel groups to group comparison
- There is now an option in the TSDNS resolver to enable a workaround for non-standard behaviour used by bind-based DNS servers (no support for multi-type queries)
- Improved error messages displayed by the blacklist checker
- Previously, there was only one error message displayed if the answer was invalid, but it said that there was no answer at all.
- Now, there are appropriate messages for both cases.
- The message about an invalid answer now displays the raw result and asks you to report this to the YaTQA support.
- Changed the icon for the message saying that the server is blacklisted from warning to error (warning now used for greylist).
- Added support for the greylist feature added in client version
- Added to client version selection
- Fixed a text error that caused the "resolve names" feature in the "Find permission" feature to say "editing" instead of "resolving" in the statusbar while doing its job
- Added a feature to select unused icons
- Some internal changes to how errors in a loop are handled (it also asks the user to read the statusbar for more information on what failed)
- The server group window's non-realtime mode now displays a progress and uses the generic loop error handler
- Fixed a bug in the file backup creation window that allowed users to selected an orphaned folder for deletion when at the same time deciding not to delete all of its content (which then would be deleted anyway)
- Added file list feature you can use for deleting stuff (YaTQA Pro)
- Fixed a file download progress graphic glitch introduced in 3.5-pre
- Updated hinting for outdated server versions from 1457080280 to 1461597405
- Changed minimum delay between two file transfers from 1 second to 50 milliseconds
- Added workaround for a bug in TeamSpeak that prevents deleting a lot of files
- Fixed a bug that prevented users from deleting avatars
- Improved performance when deleting multiple avatars
- Unified internal processing of string arrays
- Fixed a bug that could cause some file operations in Users tab to be made available if nothing, incomplete files or – when using a non-standard sorting – the Up icon were selected
- If you are deleting files in Users tab and selected the Up icon, it will now be unselected instead of resulting in an error message.
- Image preview is no longer available for multi-selections.
- Image preview can now be closed by pressing Esc.
- Image preview (of the remote file) is now available in file backup creation and the new file list window (the other context menu items have been renamed to make clear that the work with the local file).
- Added scrolling by dragging to image preview
- Updated copyright year in license
- Removed duplicate word from license
- In the installer, changed appearance of the feature descriptions
Гыыы... Новая версия... Уииии))))))))
Исправлена часть ошибок в переводе.
3.6-rc1 (19 Jun 2016, unofficial release)
- ––– English development snapshot updated here, see below for download –––
- Added selection criteria by size and date to file backup/deletion
- Note: The Double-Check Selection feature might be a bit ambiguous, so here’s some explanation: This feature implements the logic AND operator. You can use it to add required criteria to an existing selection. So if you want to select all files larger than 10 MiB and (therefore the name: AND) older than a year, set one criteria in Replace Selection (e.g. bigger than 10,240 KiB) mode and then switch to Double-Check Selection for further criteria (e.g. older than 1 month).
- Note: Natural-language durations (like used here) support month and year for input, but not for output (because smaller units are not divisable).
- Note: The size criteria is in KiB (also said in the window) and supports floating-point numbers as input.
- ––– German development snapshot updated here, see below for download –––
- Updated version info to 3.6
- Fixed abbreviation for months (was m, just like minute, and is mo now)
- Added support for 3.0.20/1465542546 (unlike all others, this has a comment saying “[IPv6 beta, win32 only]”)
- Fixed a bug introduced in 3.6-pre that prevented users from deleting icons
- Added cumulative log saving
- First column of permission comparison resizable
- Moved Clear Permissions menu item in that tab’s context menu a bit up
- Fixed a bug that prevented the OK button from updating in the Add Permissions window if the list was modified by the context menu selection criteria
- Some small changes to how the IP is displayed in the Users and User Details tab
- Changed label from “Country” to “IP”, because Country was too long for IPv6 and it also fits the actual value better.
- Removed the dash between IP and country for space reasons.
- IPv6 addresses are displayed as CIDR /64 subnet without link locals.
- IP range bans ban the actual
- Added IPv6 support to sorting by IP in User DB tab
- Made sure IPv6 addresses are properly passed to Flagfox’ geotool
- The global copy window’s radio buttons now update depending on the checkmarks.
- Updated the “Made in” place in the about window
Note: YaTQA 3.6-pre2 and up will no longer officially support 3.0.12.x! This will not really make much of a difference anyway, but may confuse people using an older server version.
- Added query parameter changes added in 3.0.12 and 3.0.13 (YaTQA Pro)
- Added support for IPv6 file transfers to YaTQA (there is query support for this already since 2013)
- Added IPv6 DNS support (like for IP addresses, IPv6 must be enabled by square brackets, e.g. [::1])
- Updated address input box hint in the login screen to hint for the notation of IPv6 addresses
- Made editing IPv6 addresses in the login screen easier
- Added support for 3.0.13 bindinglist subsystems (note that voice returns the bindings for each running server, which is stored in the servers’virtualserver_ip, but I don’t know of any way set different IPs per virtual server)
- Add support for serverside IPv6 (recognizing IP addresses)
- CIDRs are no longer considered IPs (TeamSpeak 3 does not support CIDR and bans work by wildcards).
- Made preparations for selection criteria for folder diff window
- Added support for Android 3.0.23/1463662487
- Added theoretical IPv6 support to blacklist check via the notation mentioned above (obviously, no server-side support currently exists)
YaTQA / Yet another TeamSpeak 3 Query App (RUS)
3.6-pre (07 May 2016)
Development moved from my desktop computer (3HUNDERT) to my new laptop (CEPHYNF).
This is an unofficial release, because some new features got added and some internal performance changes affect large parts of the application.
- Improved list performance in client cache
- Fixed a bug that prevented the join button from properly sending the user into channels with quotation marks (") or sharp signs (#) in their namens
- Possibly fixed some other rare bugs related to joining channels and especially subchannels
- Fixed a bug that prevented the feature to find all users with any non-default certain channel group in a channel from working
- Added a feature to find users with a certain (or any non-default) channel group in any channel (last column is used to display which channel group and channel)
- Removed default channel group from the list that is used to select a group for channel group search features
- Added a way to delete people from channel groups in user DB channel group mode (this menu item is only visible while in that mode)
- Updated minimum client versions to choose from (thanks to ts3index.com)
- Improved log display performance, especially when filtering
- Fixed a bug that caused YaTQA to freeze when viewing logs that included a ban message with an ampersand (&)
- Added multi selection for adding server and channel groups to group comparison
- There is now an option in the TSDNS resolver to enable a workaround for non-standard behaviour used by bind-based DNS servers (no support for multi-type queries)
- Improved error messages displayed by the blacklist checker
- Previously, there was only one error message displayed if the answer was invalid, but it said that there was no answer at all.
- Now, there are appropriate messages for both cases.
- The message about an invalid answer now displays the raw result and asks you to report this to the YaTQA support.
- Changed the icon for the message saying that the server is blacklisted from warning to error (warning now used for greylist).
- Added support for the greylist feature added in client version
- Added to client version selection
- Fixed a text error that caused the "resolve names" feature in the "Find permission" feature to say "editing" instead of "resolving" in the statusbar while doing its job
- Added a feature to select unused icons
- Some internal changes to how errors in a loop are handled (it also asks the user to read the statusbar for more information on what failed)
- The server group window's non-realtime mode now displays a progress and uses the generic loop error handler
- Fixed a bug in the file backup creation window that allowed users to selected an orphaned folder for deletion when at the same time deciding not to delete all of its content (which then would be deleted anyway)
- Added file list feature you can use for deleting stuff (YaTQA Pro)
- ––– English development snapshot updated here, see below for download –––
- Fixed a file download progress graphic glitch introduced in 3.5-pre
- ––– German development snapshot updated here, see below for download –––
- Updated hinting for outdated server versions from 1457080280 to 1461597405
- Changed minimum delay between two file transfers from 1 second to 50 milliseconds
- Added workaround for a bug in TeamSpeak that prevents deleting a lot of files
- Fixed a bug that prevented users from deleting avatars
- Improved performance when deleting multiple avatars
- Unified internal processing of string arrays
- Fixed a bug that could cause some file operations in Users tab to be made available if nothing, incomplete files or – when using a non-standard sorting – the Up icon were selected
- If you are deleting files in Users tab and selected the Up icon, it will now be unselected instead of resulting in an error message.
- Image preview is no longer available for multi-selections.
- Image preview can now be closed by pressing Esc.
- Image preview (of the remote file) is now available in file backup creation and the new file list window (the other context menu items have been renamed to make clear that the work with the local file).
- Added scrolling by dragging to image preview
- Updated copyright year in license
- Removed duplicate word from license
- In the installer, changed appearance of the feature descriptions
- –-– internal progress until here –––
YaTQA / Yet another TeamSpeak 3 Query App (RUS)
v3.0-gamma (06 Nov 2014, afternoon GMT, 1234 KiB)
This version (as well as 3.0-gamma2 to 3.0-gamma4) can only be used in 2014, because there were so many changes that I want you to download bug fixes. Because there was a feature that wasn’t yet implemented, I am planning to release a new version anyway, which should be very soon.
The English version of this release is deprecated because the translation data is corrupted.
- All icons used in the program were updated.
- Fixed small spelling mistake in English version's Instance Misc tab
- Add multiple permission to permission comparison
- Added 5 seconds timeout limit to blacklist checker
- The icons in the permissions editor and client channel group list are now colored.
- The button in the permissions editor and client channel group list now display icons when using Wine.
- Fixed the Overwolf status not being displayed in the client details tab.
- The popout button now shows the icon even when using Wine.
- When editing BBcode, the position of the window's buttons now matches all other windows (buttons are now in the center with the OK button on the left).
- The first ban list column's caption was changed. Maybe this better explains what the icon says and that clicking the column will sort by the icon first.
- A button to copy bans was added (first column's text only). This has already been in place with the global copy feature, but the new button should be easier to understand.
- CIDRs are now considered an IP (useful for adding bans in automatic and the new mode)
- Added multi ban feature (right button of the ban target input box)
- Global find and global copy were added to: Custom command/event param parser (Pro feature), comparison multi permission adding. It was not added to server group dialog and select dialog (for use with the groups) because I don't want people to have thousands of groups. ;)
- Global find now searches all visible columns (instead of only the first). You can make YaTQA temporarily skip a column by resizing its width to 0.
- Added dropdown menu to the user db ban feature to ban IPs and CIDRs
- Fixed "Abstract error" or access violations when closing the console and disconnecting
- You can only have one console open at a time now, because multiple ones never worked and were never meant to work
- Added banning a user DB user’s name
- Global search can now be set to match or ignore case
- You can now make YaTQA download all items of user DB and log (Windows XP users use Shift+Click)
- Improved "Load More" button hint (and changed German caption because of limited space)
- Added importing and exporting of bans (note that importing non-permanent bans is a little tricky, as the original durations start when you import the bans)
- Added default values for manual and port-based server selection
- If YaTQA cannot set its default nickname because it is already taken, it appends a "1" until it can change its nickname
- Added a feature to import permissions one by one and report errors (only works for permissions that will be set, not for those that will be deleted!)
- Fixed a bug that caused YaTQA to try to unnecessarily delete unset permissions while importing a permission file
- Added unselecting would-be duplicates when adding permissions to comparison
- Added warning to multi-permission-set when a filter exists
- Changed that functions wording from "Group" to "Cluster", to not be confused with Server and Channel Groups
- Added progress to downloading all icons
- Made sure all features with a progress reset the progress after being done
- Added "Delete All" feature to permission list
- Added a feature to compare permission saved as a file
- You can now set a default virtual server (by port)
- Updated -c command line parameter (for compatibility reasons, this is the last parameter)
- Updated "Did you know" accordingly and have it state that credentials are also optional
- Multiban progress now displays what is currently banned (this is not possible for ban import)
- Added progress display and cancel feature to channel import
- Added progress display and cancel feature to channel editing
- Added progress display and cancel feature to client editing
- Temporary password list now refreshes on tab change if one cannot view tokens
- Clarified last column of the server group window (German version only?)
- Added group overview (the two boxes can be resized by you)
- Added window for easier viewing and editing server group members
- Icon manager code cleanup
- Fixed the settings window's tab order
- Fixed the "Miscellaneous" tabs' labels being clipped off in Wine
- Added find and copy features to client server group window
- Added progress display and cancel feature to ban removing
- Added context menu to WYSIWYG editor
- This menu also offers the new features "Copy Unformatted" and "Remove Formatting"
- Added workaround for a bug that causes lists to fail to display PNG images with full-alpha palettes
- Added copying permission values
- Fixed possible crashes with mass permission editing and mass permission deleting
- Removed number unread messages from client details, as this is no longer supported from server side (since ages)
- Added IP lookup to client details (no space on server tree :/)
- Fixed a bug that prevented global find from working in the custom command result window
- Enabled skin suport for bitmap-type images
- Fixed a bug that prevented the global find next hotkey (F3) from working in other tabs than server tree
- Added global find hotkey wherever it was previously missing
- Fixed a bug in cluster permission editing that allowed entering a boolean value if one was editing grant permissions
- Performance improvements for cluster permission editing
- Icon selection window can now be closed by pressing Esc
- Fixed a bug that caused an error when rightclicking an empty file list
- You can now keep ban input boxes from being cleared by holding Shift.
- Updated hints of manual and port search buttons on the servers tab, as these are no longer presented to people without list permissions
- Fixed possible bug with license info feature
- Fixed a frequent error with many user actions in the server tree
- Added number of ban enforcements to the ban list (this took so long because I previously didn't know what it was)
- Escape and unescape features in the console are now disabled if nothing is selected
- Console command history can now be cleared
- Console command history is now saved and restored (commandhistory.txt)
- Added progress display and cancel feature to deleting users from DB
- Improved label of the multi snapshot server list
- Added max width of 300 to multi snapshot server list
- Made CIDR more beautiful
- Added better debug for passive tree update
- Added feature to edit multiple servers' properties at once
- Mass snapshot creation progress now displays the server name
- Fixed incorrect icons when clicking a client when in passive tree update mode
- Fixed a very important bug in tree mode passive update
- Added saving ban reason
- Made received parameters window's column headers visible to make them resizable
- Changed the way the channel icon is changed in the channel details, because of a serverside data corruption bug
- Added a note that sent/received/upload/download is from the server's point of view
- Fixed important bug that prevented creating template and query server groups
- Added mass saving/restoring server and channel groups
- Fixed auto refresh copy/paste text error in log and instance stats tabs
- Auto refresh duration inputs now default to the last value
- Added mass editing permissions to User DB
- Added mass editing permissions to server tree for channels and users
- Because of a serverside data corruption bug, channel icon editing in server tree is now permission-based
- Added file transfer list auto refresh (defaults to 5 seconds, because it that seems to be the time a transfer is displayed even after it is finished)
- Log auto refresh can only be stopped if it is active
- Added editing multiple users’ server groups in user DB
- Added editing server groups in server tree
- Fixed possible memory leak in mass kick
- Fixed possible memory leaks in mass messaging
- Fixed memory leak when moving selected clients to a channel
- Fixed memory leak for the select feature
- Fixed possible memory leak when selecting stuff in the server tree view
- Fixed memory leak when finishing a server tree drag and drop action
- Fixed possible memory leak when starting a server tree drag and drop action
- Added editing multiple users’ server groups in server tree
- Permission editor now always starts in a new process if you did not copy a foreign server's permissions (in that case, you are shown the message box just like before)
- Added progress to the user DB's name and custominfo search
- DB and UID searches no longer try to sort the list because their result is unique (neglegible performance improvement)
- When mass-importing groups, name conflicts are now solved on per-type basis (types are template, normal and query)
- Added saving/importing temporary passwords
- Fixed a bug that prevented the "Edit voice port" in the bookmark context menu from being disabled if nothing is selected
- Allowed creating a non-subchannel if a channel is selected
- Fixed a bug that prevented "Delete displayed permissions" from working
- YaTQA no longer clears the permissions of new groups created by the group mass import feature before adding its permissions if all of the following permissions would be set anyway:
- i_group_needed_modify_power
- i_group_needed_member_add_power
- i_group_needed_member_remove_power
- b_group_is_permanent (channel groups only)
- Fixed a bug that could prevent the ban list from updating after you added a ban
- Fixed progress in status bar not being cleared...
YaTQA / Yet another TeamSpeak 3 Query App (RUS)
1.4 (unreleased)
- Removed unnamed link button caption
- Icon cache
- Notes for the icon cache feature:
- The feature can be enabled in the settings. A restart is required.
- There is also option to only use icons from the server you are on.
- Icons must have the correct filename (matching their CRC32) to be cached. Using the icon replace feature in YaTQA produces icons with invalid (non-matching) names, so do other tools that generally use random names (e.g. Psychokiller’s web interface).
- Icons must have the correct file size to be loaded.
- Notes for the icon cache file format:
- The file is named icons.res and is located in the folder with your yatqa.ini.
- As always, JN-GAMES tries to use known formats instead of inventing new ones. Therefore, YaTQA’s icon cache feature uses Microsoft’s Compiled Resource File Format. This format is fully linear and can be written from start to end, as there is no header for file count and archive size.
- The old 16-bit version of the format is used for performance reasons (only Ansi filenames, no additional properties per file, no 4-byte fillups for data and names).
- There are very few applications that support this old format. One known example is Visual Studio (at least the 2010 Version supports YaTQA’s icon cache), which however does not recognize the file format of the items inside (because the groups are not named after their actual file format but after the server UID).
- It was originally planned to use the resource name (which can be either a string or “ÿ” followed by a Word) as Word type for the lower two bytes and the subsequent flags for the higher two bytes of the DWord icon name. Storing custom data in the two flag bytes or setting the highest bit of the resource name Word keeps Visual Studio from loading the files. Therefore, the name is stored as a string instead, which needs more performance and space.
- Added whoami fallback if serverinfo fails
- Added support for Windows Aero Glass (there is also a legacy option in the settings that makes the tool look nearly like before)
- Removed bookmark save warning from tab change (changes don’t get lost here since the new tab system that has been in place since ages, so clicking “no” simply had no effect)
- After mass-creating snapshots, the frames are now reset. Using the feature after viewing the template server’s configuration/“statistics” previously hid all actual statistics.
- Removed creation date from statistics tab for server templates, as this value is no longer set in current server versions (in previous versions, it was the instance start time)
- Clarified the label of the username edit box in the settings dialog
- Fixed a bug that caused the channel icon selection to default to the talk power (lol!) instead of the previous icon
- As some clients from the United Kingdom seem to return GB while other return UK as their country, the flag has been duplicated
- Fixed a bug that allowed replacing default icons
- Fixed a bug that caused an unused instance of the treeview selection window to be in memory
- Single snapshot creation and deployment now also use YaTQA’s Snapshots folder
- Instead of saving an empty string after deleting the comment of a server, the entry is now deleted.
- The default button for the confirmation when deleting channel groups is now “No”, like it is for server groups
- The following features are now locked and must be unlocked in the settings in order to use them:
- Changing the query port
- Deleting server groups ≤ 5 or channel groups ≤ 4
- Removing user 1 (serveradmin) from server group 2 (Admin Server Query)
- Limited length of query port box
- An update finder has been added. You can either click on it on the left or your can enable automatic checks in the settings. If the automatic updater finds an update, an information will be displayed in the status bar until dismissed by right or middle clicking on it. Left clicking on it will guide you to the download page.
- Fixed a bug that caused an error when cancelling the folder upload dialog
- You can also copy the IP adress of a user in your User DB to the clipboard using the context menu.
- Your custom nickname is now set after creating snapshots.
- There is now a button to select all users in the Select window.
- In the icon sub-tab, the save button is now enabled when a selection is made by holding Shift.
- In the icon sub-tab, the delete button is now disabled when default icons are selected, and the
- Added a workaround for a bug in Delphi that did not display transparency when replacing icons
- Re-added handling unwanted disconnects, which became broken in the March 31st update
- If bytes 3, 5, 7 and 9 are 0, a snapshot file is handled as Unicode (in this case, 0 and 1 should be BOM and 2, 4, 6, 8 “hash”, but that’s not checked). If not, it is handled as UTF-8 instead. Therefore, the YaTQA snapshot feature can deploy snapshots created with the TS3 backup scripts. However, YaTQA does not produce valid snapshots for the TS3 backup scripts to deploy, so YaTQA snapshots must be deployed with YaTQA.
- In the channel tree view, users are now sorted by their talk power and – if that doesn’t make a difference – their name by default. This does however change if you move them around. (?)
- Fixed a bug that refreshed the channel list box in the Permissions tab even when you cancelled creating a new group
- Added a workaround so the combo box gets the focus when copying a group
- After adding/copying a channel group, the channel group combo box now returns to its previous item like the server group combo box does it since ages.
- Fixed a bug that enabled channel group token creation without having a channel group selected
- Made the OS icon function support the new name for Mac
- Fixed a bug that prevented people from adding a ban by natural language in the Bans tab
- Moved italic toolbar icon slightly to the right
- Fixed a bug that caused the channel-related checkboxes in the “Selection” window to have incorrect indent
- Fixed a lot of spelling bugs in the English version.
- Added command line switches:
- -d: Starts only the TSDNS resolver
- -p: Starts only the permission file editor
- -s: Reserved for SRV resolver
- -i: Starts only the icon cache
- -debug: Forces RedeemerTS3 to write anything it sends and receives to RedeemerTS3.log (note that TS3 uses LF CR for line-break, which is unsupported by most text editors)
- Fixed incorrect description and data of a box
- YaTQA now uses banclient instead of banadd for banning single current users
- Fixed a bug that prevented UIDs from being handed over to the bans tab
- Fixed a bug that caused a bug when you were missing permission to create temp passwords
- Added percentage to virtual server slot count
- On Advanced tab, the four URL-related properties now pop up a menu where you can choose to either visit or change that link (if property is set)
- Added Tree View Popout to Users tab
- Moved the Refresh Dropdown in Users tab a little bit up, so that doubleclicking the Refresh button basically refreshes the tree instantly
- Added user tree selection rules for server and channel groups to the selection window, which can be used to “kick all guests” and “leader meetings”...
- Changed the label for the server IP on the login screen to no longer say “IP” (because DNS also works) and to say that no port must be entered
- Fixed empty INI keys
- Server names now get cached when you join them. Previously, all servers of the server list got cached, too, but one must have joined the server to view it's icons, so that made no sense.
- Fixed a bug that prevented thousands dividers for newly-uploaded icons from being displayed (man, use PNG for icons, so icons don't get that big!)
- Added IPv6 support (seems like it’s non-DNS only), however, the TS3 server doesn’t support IPv6
- Fixed disconnect detecting
- Added hint to Select... and Popout button in users tab
- Added default permission names for the unambigious first 13 permissions (marked with a question mark, so you still know if permget fails)
- Fixed a bug that prevented users from changing the current user to anonymous
- Failed permissions now display their permid even if a permsid is available
- Fixed empty error message when entering an empty duration
2.0-pre is slightly deprecated for having a relatively high number of bugs. None of them is really serious.
- YaTQA is now in limited Freeware mode by default. This means that you will need a registration to use more than 12 servers.
- Completed icon collection
- Fixed spelling bug in German version
- Added donation button to home startbar
- Added register button to about dialog
- Improved recognition of duration terms with international characters (affected neither German nor English)
- All UID-related columns are now sorted case-insensitively (previously, this was just being mixed)
- Improved sorting of columns that have international characters in their values
- ...
- Finished permissions editor
- A possible display bug of the About dialog in Wine was fixed.
- Completely changed how YaTQA reacts on failing to receive a server list, with the intention of making the tool easier to use for people with limited permissions
- The log filter is now case-insensitive.
- Input boxes for ban durations now recognize the following words: infinite, indefinite, unlimited, permanent.
- Added new Wine workarounds:
- Like in early (Windows) versions of YaTQA, permission toolbar buttons now have only one or two letters on them when in Wine mode.
- Worked around missing transparency of the topbar labels. This is by far not perfect, but it's at least readable now.
- Fixed debug output when using server permission list
- If you hover...