TeamSpeak 3 Сервер Linux x86 — компьютерная программа, предназначенная для голосового общения в сети Интернет посредством технологии VoIP. От классического телефона отличается практически неограниченным количеством абонентов, разговаривающих одновременно. Больше всего это похоже на многоканальную рацию, в которой можно одновременно пользоваться несколькими каналами. При этом доступны все опции, разработанные ранее для удобства использования раций в полевых (боевых) условиях. Программы этого типа предназначены прежде всего для геймеров, но могут использоваться везде, где необходима голосовая связь и координация большой группы людей.
Код:=== Server Release 3.0.0 01 Aug 2011 + serversnapshotdeploy can deploy into a new virtualserver now, to archive this do a "use 0" just before the command + clients table got a new field "client_lastip" where we store last ip used by the client - clientdbinfo, clientdblist, clientdbfind does show client_lastip - fixed clientdblist count parameter returned always 1 - fixed issue where server kept status virtual_online while using logout command - fixed problem where a channel you could not subscribe was not automatically unsubscribed when you left it - fixed issue where VIRTUALSERVER_ASK_FOR_PRIVILEGEKEY && VIRTUALSERVER_AUTOGENERATED_PRIVILEGEKEY where exported/imported through a snapshot - fixed issues with channel permission wont take values from clientchannel permissions - fixed multiple complains by one user possibility if autoban count is set to two - fixed strange serverquery password behavior - improved client traffic reset performance - improved database performanceКод:=== Server Release 3.0.1 17 nov 2011 ! removed database logging (sqlite users please manually do an vacuum on your database) ! we got now a logfile for every virtualserver and one general ! logview command revoked, please check docs for details ! added new start parameter logappend starting the instance with logappend=1 will append the logfile and wont create a new one on each instance start ! removed client_login_name and client_login_password properties from snapshots * properties CHANNEL_ICON_ID and CLIENT_ICON_ID wont be stored anymore in database - fixed bug within server deploy (correct snapshot returned invalid_client_id) - command serverlist -all returns "other_instance" for virtualserver_status if the virtualserver belongs to an other instance - some improvements for quering virtualservers regarding machine_id parameter - command servercreate wont need an virtualserver_name anymore, will use the template default name instead - fixed guest client can set channel_icon_id and channel_flag_password - fixed b_client_skip_channelgroup_permissions == 0 only overwrites skipped permission if negated - fixed that channel deletion with parent channels gives wrong log output - fixed token could be created in an channel where you dont got correct permissionsКод:=== Server Release 3.0.2 29 February 2012 ! anti spam system reworked - removed virtualserver_antiflood_points_needed_warning, virtualserver_antiflood_points_needed_kick, virtualserver_antiflood_points_needed_ban, virtualserver_antiflood_ban_time - added virtualserver_antiflood_points_needed_command_block - stops executing of commands, no ban is invoked anymore - added virtualserver_antiflood_points_needed_ip_block - prevents from connecting, no ban is invoked ! mysql users please alter all fields in tables "servers" and "clients" regarding download/ upload from "int unsigned" to "bigint unsigned" + whoami shows client_origin_server_id (server which the client does belong too) + addded servergroupautodelperm and servergroupautoaddperm bound to b_permission_modify_power_ignore (check docu for details) - fixed empty channeledit command invoked an channeledit message to clients - fixed query ban message had no line endings - fixed issue with permlist commands giving not correct error back on an empty listКод:=== Server Release 3.0.3 19 March 2012 ! permissions updated to revision 14 + added temporary serverpasswords (servertemppasswordadd, servertemppassworddel, servertemppasswordlist) check docu for details + added new permission b_client_request_talker to control who can request talk power + added new permission b_client_avatar_delete_other to allow deleting avatars from other clients + ftinitdownload and ftinitupload shows binded ips - fixed queryclient antiflood bugКод:=== Server Release 3.0.5 23 April 2012 ! MySQL users, please alter your table server_properties and extend the "value" field from varchar(255) to varchar(2048) ! privilegekeylist no longer shows groups which does not match i_group_needed_member_add_power and/or i_group_member_add_power + added possibility to give a channel password when creating a temporary server password (check docs for details) * the following actions will reset client idletime: logview, clientdblist, complainlist, complainadd, talkower grant and revoke + clientlist can also show ips (paramter -ip) - fixed an issue were channel properties saved two times on create or edit - fixed an issue were clientdbdelete did not delete avatar files correctly - fixed invalid ident names for virtualserver_antiflood_points_needed_command_block and virtualserver_antiflood_points_needed_ip_block (breaks client-side serveredit below version 3.0.6)Код:=== Server Release 3.0.6 21 June 2012 - fixed broken queryclient database deletion + complaints got some magic to prevent abusing + complaints adding/deletion get logged (client logging need to be enabled) + bans adding/deletion get logged (client logging need to be enabled) + notifychannelgrouplist / notifyservergrouplist added i_group_needed_modify_power, i_group_needed_member_add_power and i_group_needed_member_remove_power values + added permission b_channel_create_modify_with_force_password + added permission b_client_is_sticky (sticks a client to current channel) + added permission b_client_ignore_sticky (ignores sticky flag) * Compress command packets to reduce network traffic (voice and filetransfer will not be affected)Код:=== Server Release 29 June 2012 ! fixed broken weblist === Server Release 3.0.6 21 June 2012 - fixed broken queryclient database deletion + complaints feature was improved to prevent abusing + complaints creation/deletion events will now stored in the server log (client logging needs to be enabled) + ban rule creation/deletion events will now stored in the server log (client logging need to be enabled) + channelgrouplist/servergrouplist now indicate i_group_needed_modify_power, i_group_needed_member_add_power and i_group_needed_member_remove_power values + added permission b_channel_create_modify_with_force_password (forces clients to enter a password on channel creation) + added permission b_client_is_sticky (prevents clients from switching channels) + added permission b_client_ignore_sticky (ignores b_client_is_sticky) * command packets will be compressed to reduce network traffic (voice and filetransfer packets will not be affected)Код:=== Server Release 3.0.7 4 March 2013 ! extended max possible permissions, newer client will be needed to use this server release ! permissionlist command got a new parameter "-new", if set the permissionlist will be sent in a new format + bans got some magic to prevent abusing + temporary server passwords work also if no virtualserver password is set + added permissions b_channel_create_modify_with_codec_opusvoice, b_channel_create_modify_with_codec_opusmusic - fixed bug where guest users could trigger "channel edited" or "server edited" events although they had no permissions to edit channels or servers - fixed problems with avatar deletion - fixed an assert while banning yourself - fixed folders could not be deleted - virtualserver temporary passwords are checked before normal virtualserverpassword - fixed bug with permission b_channel_create_modify_with_force_password - fixed bug with server deletion and not-existing filebase - fixed bug where icon deletion went wrong - TSDNS server is now case-insensitive - fixed a hang due to too many open handles in TSDNS - fixed missing serverquery commands in help.txt - fixed complainlist does not work anymore if an client was deletedКод:=== Server Release 18 March 2013 - fixed hostinfo does not work with no running virtualserver - fixed server hanging after serverstop (and other) commands - fixed temporary passwords wont work where channel names include / or \ * improved indentation of server query help fileКод:=== Server Release 15 May 2013 + Добавлена переменная serverinstance_pending_connections_per_ip, которая ограничивает количество одновременных соединений (= новый), разрешенных с того же IP. Значение 0 означает неограниченность и используется по умолчанию (отключен). Знайте, это вызывает DOS атаку, если злоумышленник подменяет исходный IPКод:=== Server Release 3.0.8 25 Jul 2013 ! Changed the platform string for the Mac OsX platform from "MacOSX" to "OS X" ! new login protocol. Old clients can not connect to this server version. + added new commandline parameter "query_skipbruteforcecheck" to disable any protection for whitelisted Ip addresses for the ServerQuery interface + added some protection against DOS attacks and cpu usage during login + query logins now always log the account name used. + Moving virtual server between instances should now not trigger the "running elsewhere" accounting error. - fixed a hang on virtual server shutdown - fixed race condition on pending connections - other various bug fixesКод:=== Server Release 3.0.9 12 Sep 2013 + Added support for Overwolf integration (requires client 3.0.12 or above) + Added "-badges" parameter to "clientlist" serverquery command - Fixed a deadlock. (Would kick all clients from the server) - Fixed a bug on nickname bans * Added a new variable CHANNEL_DELETE_DELAY but it is disabled for now. Will be fully supported next releaseКод:=== Server Release 3.0.10 1 Oct 2013 + Added support for new variable CHANNEL_DELETE_DELAY on temporary chanels + channellist and channelinfo query commands now show seconds_empty param. -1 means not emptyКод:=== Server Release 11 nov 2013 + security fix to prevent cient crashes + added more debug info on some file operations - fix crash on client disconnectКод:=== Server Release 12 dec 2013 + fixed temporary server groups issue + fixed crash at startup while upgrading from 3.0.8 or earlierКод:=== Server Release 6 jan 2014 + fixed crash on malicious incoming trafficКод:=== Server Release 3.0.11 22 sep 2014 ! Starting this release, TS3 servers will not support the Mac OSX PowerPC architecture. ! Starting this release the Windows version of the server requires an SSE2 capable CPU. ! Starting 3.0.12 (next release), TS3 server won't support OSX 10.6 or lower. ! Starting this release, the MySQL database plugin has been replaced by a MariaDB plugin. Please read doc/update_mysql_to_mariadb.txt for instructions on how to update. Also note the default character set for the database is now 'utf8mb4', which means the server needs to be at least MySQL 5.5.3 or MariaDB 5.5 . ! When a new database is created, we will be using a few extra defaults for the Guest Server Query group. Permissions for existing databases will be left untouched. The new defaults for the Guest Server Query group should prevent the Server Query from being abused with spam. The extra permissions are: * b_channel_join_permanent = false, negate = true, skip = true * b_channel_join_semi_permanent = false, negate = true, skip = true * b_channel_join_temporary = false, negate = true, skip = true * b_channel_create_permanent = false, negate = true, skip = true * b_channel_create_semi_permanent = false, negate = true, skip = true * b_channel_create_temporary = false, negate = true, skip = true * b_client_server_textmessage_send = false, negate = true, skip = true * b_client_channel_textmessage_send = false, negate = true, skip = true * b_client_offline_textmessage_send = false, negate = true, skip = true * i_client_private_textmessage_power = -1, negate = true, skip = true * i_client_poke_power = -1, negate = true, skip = true ! If only 1 serveradmin is logged into the query, this serveradmin can select any server (use) regardless of the client limit. ! The "Wan IP" feature of the windows server has been removed as it does not work any more. If you want to know your wan ip address, use an existing free service like + Updated ip2location database + Better checking and better error message for errors with query white/blacklists. - Fixed crash relating to invalid ip addresses on FreeBSD. - Fixed a possible crash during client connect. - Fixed channel event notifications stop working after a while. - Fixed query logins getting permissions on other virtual servers. - Fixed crash when deleting complaints. - Fixed issue where clients were not deleted from the database after dbclientkeepdays when connecting several TS3 servers to the same database with different dbclientkeepdays values. - The server instance no longer starts copies of virtual servers. - Guest ServerQuery user now always has default server query group, even while using a virtual server. - Instance server group permissions now honor the negate flag. - Temporary passwords and tokens(privilege keys) of a client are deleted when the client is deleted from the database. - Complaints of and about a client are deleted when the client is deleted from the database. - Fixed possible server hang with query connections. - restart now works with parameters. - does a better test for FreeBSD.Код:=== Server Release 15 oct 2014 - Small accounting fixКод:=== Server Release 15 dec 2014 - fixed possible deadlock in server query - fixed a mariadb/mysql db creation issue - fixed a mariadb/mysql performance issue - fixed a server query crashКод:=== Server Release 20 apr 2015 - fixed DDOS amplification vulnerabilityКод:=== Server Release 24 august 2015 - fixed DOS vulnerability - fixed clients dropping with "convert error" - added some timing logsКод:=== Server Release 3.0.12 26 jan 2016 + added "virtualserver_min_android_version" and "virtualserver_min_ios_version" to specifically set the minimal allowed client versions for android and ios on the server. + added "-mapping" to the serversnapshotdeploy command. This optional parameters will add a mapping of the old and new channelid's in the return + Grouped several SQL queries together into one statement which improves performance - fixed clientdbfind command returning false entries - fixed some hangs after heavy network io on linux/freebsd/osx - fixed issue with clientinfo command - fixed crash when (automatically) deleting a channel - fixed tsdnsserver libc++ issue on Linux * The server will now print a warning if the locale is set to "C" * Replaced Server query manual pdf file with a html version * Unsigned variables (client/server/instance etc) now only accept positive values and -1 (synonym for maximum value). Other negative values result in conversion error. * Serverquery manual fixes * Made a small change to the way the server handles the initialization protocol ! Removed "virtualserver_max_upload_total_bandwidth" and "virtualserver_max_download_total_bandwidth" from the server template if the value was "-1" ! The server binaries file names now do NOT have the platform suffixes any more. They are all called "ts3server" ! The OSX version is now 64 bit only. OSX 10.7 is now the minimum supported version. ! Some SQL queries changed or added. If you use custom SQL queries, please take note of this. ! The minimum supported FreeBSD version for the server is 10.1 from now on. Release 3.0.13 (next) will need a libc++ from ports/pkg or FreeBSD 10.2.Код:=== Server Release jan 2016 - fix 2 server crashes on malicious input - fixed file stat bugs on windows xp - fixed logview command returning utf8 byte order markКод:=== Server Release 15 feb 2016 - fixed more server crashes on malicious input - reduced memory useКод:=== Server Release 4 march 2016 - fixed an other server crashes on malicious inputКод:=== Server Release 27 april 2016 - fixed an other server crashes on malicious input (again) - fixed a deadlock on some query commands
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TeamSpeak 3 Сервер Linux x86 3.13.7
для Linux x86
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- TeamSpeak Server 3.13.7 30 окт 2024
- Server Release 3.11.0 15 January 2020 30 окт 2024
- Server Release 9 november 2016 10 ноя 2016