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Веб TSN Ranksystem (TeamSpeak Level System) 1.3.23

TSN Ranksystem - TeamSpeak Level System

  1. 1.3.23 (2023-03-05)

    * removed style 'CosmicBlue' from sources as requested by owner JimmyNail (Terrabot)
    + added new admin function "merge user"
    - fixed unique Client-ID were not shown on the list rankup (/stats/list_rankup.php)
    - fixed NOTICE messages inside of the Ranksystem Log by opening the list rankup (/stats/list_rankup.php)

    * updated jQuery library to version 3.6.2
    * some code optimizations on the HTML frontend for better support other styles
    * some code optimizations which considers pathes
    * optimized the tooltips on the statistics page (/stats/list_rankup.php)
    * optimized determination of different database versions for rank positioning
    * adjusted calculation on donut charts stats/top_week and stats/top_month, which now correlate with top_week and top_month (before they were calculated since ever)
    + added function to add individual styles for the statistics page (stats/) and webinterface (webinterface/); add your individual CSS file inside the "styles" directory -> read the "/styles/_README.php" first
    + added new style 'CosmicBlue'; by JimmyNail (Terrabot)
    + added new style 'Darkreader'; this style was generated by the Firefox extension darkreader.org
    + added new colums to the list rankup (/stats/list_rankup.php) -> sum online, idle & active time for last day, week & month
    + added to API to the function 'bot'; with this it is possible to start/stop the Ranksytem via URL or something like webcron
    + added the possibility to change the prefix (default "!") for bot commands as chat on the TeamSpeak server
    + added function to remove the servergroup (given by the Ranksystem), when a user is excepted from the Ranksystem (client or group exception)
    + added the possibility to change the colors for the donut charts and the area chart (server usage)
    + added News of the Ranksystem to webinterface & statistics page; there are also a seprate News as TeamSpeak message -> new bot command !news
    - fixed redirect loop on 'Webinterface' login page for some rare constellations of environments (when the webserver config redirect to the 'Index.php' instead of 'index.php')
    - fixed navbar selection on sub-pages (drop-down elements) on webinterface and stats page
    - fixed negative statistic summary values (time of week / month), which appears in some special cases
    - fixed update TeamSpeak message (notification about the update); before it didn't trigger in some cases

    * little improvements to be ready for PHP 8.2
    - fixed wrong rank positioning (List Rankup) on MariaDB 10.6 or higher
    - fixed wrong entity of special HTML characters under PHP 8.1 inside the Ranksystem log by displaying it on the webinterface (webinterface/bot.php)

    * added delay for adding / removing servergroup, when it runs into an TS3 server error (i.e. needed permissions are missed); to prevent spamming the Ranksystem log and the TS3 server
    * added clean job for table 'user_iphash'; removes offline user from this table, which stucked in some special cases
    * improved site load performance on 'Webinterface' -> 'TeamSpeak' settings on bigger databases; only load users, which were online between the last 30 days (for Bot-Admin)
    * minor code optimizations, especially for PHP 8.1
    * updated PHP smarty lib to version 4.1.0
    - fixed wrongly shown the ServerIcon, when an user hasn't a rank group yet; concerned the 'Channelinfo Toplist' add-on
    - fixed SQL error "Unknown column 'uuid' in 'where clause'" on exception mode 'reset time'

    - fixed SQL error during the update process (table: addons_config, column: value), which occurs in some environments

    ! new TS3 permission 'b_virtualserver_channel_list' needed for channel tree
    * updated hungarian language; thx to ExXeL
    * removed installation path of the Ranksystem from udpate server check
    + added new add-on 'Channelinfo Toplist'; writes the Top 10 user to a channel description; TS3 permission 'b_channel_modify_description' needed for this add-on
    + added PHP smarty lib, which is used for the 'Channelinfo Toplist' add-on
    + added the possibility to disable the security check that the bot getting started from command line; in some environments (e.g. CPanel) this is needed
    + added a cancel option to the database export function; could be needed in case of running into trouble
    + added the timestamp of last seen in the confirmation request on admin function 'delete user'
    + added channel tree as a drop-down box in the webinterface on associated fields
    - fixed SQL syntax error on add-on 'Assign Servergroups'
    - fixed wrong operator comparision on change password function
    - fixed SQL on webinterface saving an API key
    - fixed possible XSS attack in log view & install.php

    - fixed database error on assign servergroups functions on statistics page, when changing the server groups

    ! We will relocate our servers to a new host in the middle of January 2021; Be sure to allow a network connection to our new IP addresses + (TCP port 443) to be able to receive future Ranksystem updates; the old IP address ( will be reachable until the end of January 2021
    * we added a connection test to the update server of the Ranksystem (on the startup of the Ranksystem) to warn if a connection fails
    * changed MySQL connection to a none persistent connection, when it is not the Ranksystem Bot
    * changed update check for the Ranksystem database; when the version is below 1.3.0 it now stops the Ranksystem with a critical error
    + added to API to the functions 'user' & 'userstats' the possibility to ask for multiple servergroup database IDs in a single request; example: 'groupid=6,9,48'
    + added new check for clients deleted from the TeamSpeak server, which are reconnecting with the same unique-client-ID and are still known by the Ranksystem; this clients will now get undo the "removed-flag"
    + added function to delete manually a user (or multiple) out of the Ranksystem database
    - fixed on the List Rankup (statistics page) the buttons for the first / last page on the pagination

    * changed HTTPS check; the warning message that HTTP is used now appears only on the login page of the webinterface
    * added check on database export, ZIP version is >= 1.2.0, which is needed to encrypt the ZIP file
    - fixed problem on PHP 8.0 on new installations (Uncaught TypeError server_usage.php:8)

    ! We added a new Wiki page for the Ranksystem API to Github
    * updated jQuery library to version 3.5.1
    * updated Font Awesome library to version 5.15.1
    * updated bootstrap-select library to version 1.13.14
    * updated flag-icon-css library to version 3.5.0
    * updated Bootstrap Switch library to version 3.3.4
    * updated hungarian language; thx to ExXeL
    * changed the language dropdown symbol to the conutry icon
    * minor code optimizations
    + added the possibility to define multiple groups to the add-on 'Assign Servergroups'
    + added a second sort level for the List Rankup (statistics page)
    + made the filesize on the new database export function dynamic
    - fixed little CSS problem on the List Rankup (statistics page)
    - fixed automatic reconnection, when the TS3 server connection was lost
    - fixed switch button for 'Permanent Group' was not working after adding a new line on 'Rank Definition' site

    ! PHP 8.0 is now supported (older versions like PHP 7.x and also PHP 5.6 are still supported)
    ! changed API user list by 'status'; old request was '&user&online' -> now use '&user&status=online' instead
    * on database connection lost, we now try to restore the connection; a reconnect of the Ranksystem TS bot in this situation is no longer necessary
    * reworked code for "fast hashing" mode for "hash IP addresses", since PHP 8.0 dropped the custom salt on passwort_hash function
    * some code optimizations, also to get a better support for PHP 8.0
    * users whose 'last seen' was more than 30 days ago will not be calculated any more (statistics like online last week/ month)
    * moved PHP functions to its own file others/_functions.php
    * optimized error log handling
    * updated hungarian language; thx to ExXeL
    * updated czech language; thx to Stetinac
    * changed ZIP-handling in Ranksystem automatic update process to support PHP 8.0
    * added also a message to the log, when the process of the Ranksystem bot was kill during stop / restart command
    * optimized Ranksystem log view on the webinterface; especially on array dumps
    + added a database export function to the webinterface; this generates an SQL export file, which is zipped
    + added the possibility to sort the columns nation, version + platform on the statistics page (stats/list_rankup.php)
    + added parameter to the webinterface to set the 'SameSite' session attribute
    + added parameter to the webinterface to set the 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin', 'X-Content-Type-Options', 'X-Frame-Options' & 'X-XSS-Protection' header
    + added to API to the functions 'user' & 'userstats' the 'status' parameter; now you can get 'online' & 'offline' users
    + added to API to the functions 'user' & 'userstats' the 'groupid' parameter to get user by a defined servergroup database ID
    - fixed problem, where user were shown in top users list (week, month & all) on statistics page, although they were excluded by server group exception; thx to Arci224 for reporting
    - fixed lost filter (options) on the statistics page (stats/list_rankup.php)
    - fixed add / remove time for offline users; problem with caching since version 1.3.9

    * changed the handling of text messages, which are sent from the Ranksystem Bot; now they will be sent to the same location as it is received (server chat,...
  2. 1.2.2 (21 Янв 2017)


    * Added support for PHP 7.1
    * Fixed TS3 PHP Framework library for PHP 7.1 support
    + optimized site loading stats/index.php for servericon.png; change from classic image to embedded data
    + optimized site loading for stats/ and webinterfac/ due merging the css and js files
    + added lines for active times on stats/my_stats.php (it can take a day until all clients are calculated)
    + added function avatar delay; delays the download of new avatar files; define the time inside the webinterface - teamspeak
    + added free text filter for ranksystem log on webinterface/bot.php
    + added french translation; many thx to Quentinti
    + added restart after update process; will take effect with versions > 1.2.2
    - fixed wrong stats on exception mode 'reset time'; remove now also the history of the count/idle to build correct stats (stats/my_stats.php)
    - fixed message next up, when user is excepted; with version 1.2.1 was the exception changed and until this the user get only the message (excepted) if he was excepted by the channel. This is wrong, the user should get the message (excepted) on group or client exception and not on the short point of a channel exception.
    - fixed database field for TS3 query port; the field was not unsigned, so there was 32767 as highest value possible (now is the highest value 65535)

    * optimize database structure; increase the database perfomance

    added statistics based on lastseen (clients online 24h, last 7d, last 30d, last 90d)
    added full list for nations, versions and platforms with user count (linked on stats/index.php)
    unset https warning on install.php if an error occurred; to focus the main problem

    fixed syntax error on italian translation

    ! php-zip (package) is needed on the webserver (see requirements)
    ! with new update process this is the last update you need to do manually

    • updated libraries (jquery lib to 3.1.1, fontawesome to 4.7.0, flag-icon-css to 2.8.0, Raphaël JavaScript Vector Library to 2.2.1, bootstrap touchspin to 3.1.2, bootstrap select to 1.11.2)
    • changed handling for the update interval; the update info message will now be sent instant after receiving an update and so long till one use could reached
    • moved libraries to folder 'libs'
    • allow boost factor 0 (no time gets counted) for misused punishing group, which gets removed automatically
    • added automatically update function (more informations on GitHub)
    • added other/phpcommand.php to define a different php command (when you have more then one PHP version on your system); default is 'php'
    • added exception mode; define how to handle the time for excepted (for more take care about the description inside the webinterface)
    • added notify register for channel and server chat; bot commands are now also via channel or server chat possible
    • added dutch translation (initiate already the half); thx to 0x0539
    • redirect webinterface/ respectively webinterface/index.php to TeamSpeak config, if session is already active
    • added check in webinterface on logpath; must end with a slash or backslash
    • added check on startup if files on webspace are writeable (needed for update function)
    • solved list_rankup.php when scrolling the table header column width changed due fixing on top
    • fixed on command "nextup" with mode "active time" a wrong time was given back
  3. Release 1.1.3


  4. Release 1.1.1

  5. TSN Ranksystem (TeamSpeak Level System) 1.1.0

    1.1.0 (2016-08-20)
    ! PHP with version >= 5.5.0 required; If PHP version is to old, the TSN Ranksystem will stops directly after startup and log this into ranksystem.log!
    ! reworked webinterface; its now in bootstrap look like the stats site. To open the webinterface use subfolder "webinterface/" instead of "webinterface.php"
    ! updated bootstrap to version 3.3.7
    + added brute force protection to the webinterface
    + encrypt the password for the webinterface inside the database
    + added function ingore idletime; idle time of an user will be ignored (counted as active time), if it is under a predefined value
    + added possibility to except channel
    + added arabic translation (already a small part); thx to DeStRoYzR
    + added romanian translation (already a small part); thx to SakaLuX
    + performed update function; new version will now stored in database. So update info interval could be now more often then 1800 seconds.
    + added a few syntax checks inside the webinterface, which valid entries of fields like 'rank up definition'
    + added new filter country
    + added new filter lastseen
    + described filter functions on stats/list_rankup.php
    - fixed serverlist report with ip address
  6. TSN Ranksystem (TeamSpeak Level System) 1.0.2

    ! windows support is back (for the webspace); the COM extension for PHP is required (extension=php_com_dotnet.dll -> only Windows!)
    ! check ts3 permission "b_client_remoteaddress_view" is set for query account
    * initiate log level; log entries now have a log category
    + added log rotation; ranksystem.log will be rotate on filesize of 5 MiB
    + added italian translation; many thx to ZanK
    + added filter function on list_rankup.php; filter are usable about the search field (filters are: "filter:excepted:", "filter:nonexcepted:", "filter:online:", "filter:nononline:", "filter:actualgroup:GROUPID:"); documentation on a info box will follow
    + color online users on column "last seen" on list_rankup.php
    + increase perfomance for siteload on stats/index.php, when Ranksystem already longer runs
    + added progress bar for next rankup on my_stats.php
    + the parameter "Idletime" will now be consided on calculation for the rank (i.a. on list_rankup.php?sort=rank)
    - fixed wrong labeling on Top User sites for "active time" / "online time"; depending on the parameter "Idletime"
    - fixed ip were shown on stats/index.php instead of the external address
    - fixed wrong subtraction of online time of already deleted users on "Online time of all user / week" and "Online time of all user / month"; in special cases it could come to minus values
    - fixed wrong info in log for needed file permissions on folders (avatars, icons, logs)
    - fixed wrong update notification after first run with new version
    - fixed ts3 server address on stats/index.php; when ts3 address is localhost and the URL contains "www.", the "www." will be removed out of the showing ts3 address
  7. TSN Ranksystem (TeamSpeak Level System) 1.0.1

    ! changed the way to update the database. Its now part of the "bot.php". So no run of an update-files is needed any more. Please check the ranksystem.log for possible errors!
    + improved needed ressources for smaller server (based on count of TeamSpeak User)
    + added option to choose language on stats sites; default is what has been set about the webinterface
    * in some case the "virtualserver_created" date of teamspeak is zero (perhaps a ts server bug); catch this instead of showing 01/01/1970
    - optimized the restart function; now it should also work with the slowmode "high delay" and doesn't come to multiple parallel running Ranksystem instances
    - fixed error in stats/index.php on line 253; change code to enable support for 5.2.1 or above (before a part of it needs 5.4 or above)
    - fixed progress bar on my_stats.php; percentage value was missed in some case
    - fixed timzone wasn't taken correctly
    - fixed repeatedly download of the servericon
    - fixed servergroup exceptions wasn't consided on Top User sites
  8. TSN Ranksystem (TeamSpeak Level System) 1.00

    ! lost Windows support (for the webspace) at the moment; TeamSpeak server is still supported with Windows!
    ! changed the way the Ranksystem works. The Ranksystem connects now 24/7 to the TeamSpeak server and not each minute again. It get therby more precise, but also needs more ressources (on ressource problems, try to activate the slowmode). The worker.php is now needed to check the Bot is still connect to the server, if not it has the job to restart it. A logfile, what the bot does and also very helpful in error case, you find on "logs/ranksystem.log".
    ! changed the column rank on list_rankup.php; this column show now the real rank and not only a consecutive number
    + added a new site, reachable as subfolder "stats". There are some informations / stats about the TeamSpeak server and the Ranksystem. There is to much to describe all, so perhaps take a look to it
    + added search (filter) function on list_rankup.php
    + added option on list_rankup.php to limit the entries
    + added column actual servergroup in list_rankup.php as option
    + added function "boost"; You can define a servergroup for the ranksystem as boost group. There is also to define how much the boost should count (factor) and how long it should be grant (time). User in the specified servergroup get rated their online time by the factor. The higher the factor, the faster an user reaches the next higher rank. Is the time expired, the boost servergroup get automatically removed from the concerned user.
    - correct error by hiding column next servergroup on list_rankup.php