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Dice Rolling Lua Script 1.0 for API 11

Тема в разделе "Корзина", создана пользователем PaCTaIcon, 21 июн 2011.

  1. PaCTa

    PaCTaIcon TeamSpeak Addic Администратор

    15 ноя 2007
    Dice Rolling Lua Script 1.0 for API 11.jpg
    This is a simple dice rolling script. Only one user needs to have it installed (for example, the GM in RP). It highlights the critical results and if more than one die is rolled at once then it adds up all the results at the end.

    Can do:
    -roll up to 25 dice at once, for example (25d10)
    -roll any kind of die up to 999 sides, for example (d999)

    Type "(dX)", where X is the number of the sides of the die you want to roll.
    -- OR --
    Type "(YdX)", where X is the same as above and Y is the number of dice you want to roll at once.

    Unpack the plugin in the:
    Then, open the Settings->Plugins and there check the plugin list for "Lua Plugin" and check it if it's not turned on (it must be, to make this work), then select "Lua Plugin" on the list and hit "Settings" at the bottom of the window, here check the "dice" and it's ready.

    For the maker(s) of the Dice Bot plugin! In fact this is just a recreation of their work and ideas and not yet as good as their.


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