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Poke and Private Message Watch 2.2.3

Тема в разделе "Корзина", создана пользователем PaCTaIcon, 22 июн 2011.

  1. PaCTa

    PaCTaIcon TeamSpeak Addic Администратор

    15 ноя 2007
    Poke and Private Message Watch by SgtRWE

    Plays a new sound when you recieve a poke or private message.
    Saves the Poke message to a chat tab.

    Have you ever had too many tabs open to know when somone is sending you
    a Private Message ?
    Now when you get a private message, a new sound will play, alerting you
    that you have a private message.

    Have you ever clicked OK, before reading you poke message ?
    Now when you get a poke message, a sound will play and the message will
    be written to your chat tab.
    See all your pokes in the same chat tab. NOT mixed in with all the
    server messages.

    Ver 2.2.3 Released (2011-06-10)
    * Rewrite to work with teamspeak one click installer
    * Rewrite to work with my other scripts
    * Added command !pmwconfig to open pmwatch.ini in a text ediitor
    * Added easier way to change the default sound, now in the .ini file
    * Added routine to remove the previous version of pmwatch (1.9.1 and earlier)
    * More error checking for files in config
    * Installer Only works with version 3.0.0-rc2 and newer
    * Still Only works with version 3.0.0-rc1-pre11 and newer

    See install-pmwatch.txt for installation and setup instructions.

    Installation Instructions
    * Copy pmwatch-sgtrwe.zip to the directory where you installed
    Teamspeal 3 Client
    * Right Click and Extract all files to the same directory (extract here)
    * Go to Teamspeak 3 client Menu: Settings/Plugins
    * Make sure Lua Plugin is checked
    * Click Reload All
    * That's it, you are done, have somone poke or pm you

    Manual Installation Instructions
    * If the one click install doesn't work, follow these steps
    * add the extension .zip to the ts3_plugin file
    * open up the ts3_plugin.zip file with winzip or other archive program
    * Drag the plugins directory from the zip file to the teamspeak 3 client install directory
    * Say yes to overwrite and add the files
    * Go to Teamspeak 3 client Menu: Settings/Plugins
    * Make sure Lua Plugin is checked
    * Click Reload All
    * That's it, you are done.

    Скачать файл


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